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FlyOrDie Toolbar
FlyOrDie Toolbar
FlyOrDie Toolbar
Dear All,

With much respect to GHOST MP who has been the "father" of this project, we hereby launch the beta version of our FlyOrDie Toolbar. Available for Internet Explorer and Firefox, download:


Your feedback is appreciated.


Good Idea downloaded and it's on my Internet Explorer :D

Great idea and handy to have:p
Seems kinda neat... :) Although I won't now if I'll use the "launch game" buttons as I tend to use the pc version :p

But for web browser users this feature is great, saves them from having to access games through the homepage everytime. ;)

One of the best things about this is the availability of a direct link to the moderator contact form (which used to be out of the way from the main site). However, I think people will be a bit weary of downloading this, there seemed to be third party programs that could be additionally installed but I didn't bother with them..

One problem I have however, is that I have no idea how to access the "FOD chat" using the toolbar or otherwise, what are the manual steps for getting to the chat from let's say, your homepage?? 

I AGREE!! I D/L just 5 minutes ago and I find it really helpful and cool! :) Good job GHOSTMP and OP--and thank you for listening about the "Reprt abuse" button being more accessable!!


Better for me, i can just launch FlyorDie games in seconds now instead of having to type 

Very nice !!!
Very usefull and unexpected :) lol
Thankyou for the download 

On the "FlyOrDie News Central" feature, when I click it when new news is available it just flashes quickly and I cannot actually access it...

Bug with the toolbar???

Also where is the radio feature that has been described on the toolbar pages? 

Thank you for your kind words OP,
I enjoy working on this project and
the participation of the FlyODie staff
has helped a great deal..it's a community
effort to be sure.

Also, I think it is important to note that this 
Toolbar software is free of charge, 
contains no spyware, malware or adware of any kind 
and has a very low system resource footprint.
(uses very little CPU)

This project was conceived in an effort to 
promote the great FlyOrDie games and it's community 
and to make a easy to use and fun browser utility 
available to the FoD membership.

The site staff and moderation team hope that you
enjoy this new toolbar, and please feel free
to post your comments, observations and
suggestions about the software here.
It's a on-going project... and feedback received
from toolbar users will help with future 
enhancements of the software.

For those who would like to help promote 
FlyOrDie... and the new toolbar, 
I will include a small chicklet banner link 
that can be placed on your website.

This is the chicklet banner:


The HTML for the banner:

<a href="
<img src="
" border="0"></a>

Thanks again,
Enjoy your games...
and the new FlyOrDie community toolbar.


On the "FlyOrDie News Central" feature, when I click it when new news is available it just flashes quickly and I cannot actually access it...

Bug with the toolbar???

Also where is the radio feature that has been described on the toolbar pages?

I have seen the same with the RSS feed,
we are looking at that..

Regarding the radio,  there is a radio component
available for the toolbar and it could be added
easily without a requirement to re-install.
However, we would like to wait a few days in 
order to monitor the current configuration for
any issues (such as the RSS that you mentioned)
if enough members voice a interest in having a
radio component added it will certainly be

Thanks for your feedback...
and thanks to all who have posted so far... 
much appreciated.


A side note,
If any member running Windows Vista (any edition)
installs the Toolbar, 
we would be interested in hearing from you 
if you experience any problems with it.

[Edited by: GHOST MP on Jul 7, 2007 4:39 PM]
okay thanks for the reply Ghost ;)

When certain bugs get fixed will we be required to download the toolbar again and install it or will the fixes be in the form of a patch allowing us to retain our settings?
okay thanks for the reply Ghost

Your welcome.. ;) 

When certain bugs get fixed will we be required to download the toolbar again and install it or will the fixes be in the form of a patch allowing us to retain our settings?

No, not usually,
updates and additions made to the toolbar
are transparent, unless it's a obvious add on like a
media player component..then one would see that..

Occasionally there will be a more important update 
that requires a download..(ie: security or other)
in which case... 
it simply updates (re-installs over) the exisiting toolbar.
The way to check if there is a update that 
requires a download is by clicking on the small
down arrow just to the right of where it says
FlyOrDie (left side of bar)..
If a update is available it will indicate that 
at the top of that menu.

Good question though, 
thanks for asking that.
The only thing i can see is i'm still not finding the link to the Chat...is there one yet? *yup i'm a chat addict:$*
lol its kwl but since i downloaded it iv lost the chat thingy 
I downloaded the toolbar for my firefox even tho I have Windows ME. It looked like it was working ok except for the  weather thingy, (I couldn't reset it to a local city)it kept telling me it was down and try again later or something like that.

As for the chat, I'm not sure its that good of a thing to have anyway (you don't log in with your fod nick & pass so you can put any nick in it and say you are anyone from the site if you have a mind to. That could be why its not working now lol

PS: yes a lot of us are to cheep or poor to upgrade to a newer OS so how about supporting us as well LMAO

I cant even get the download for IE Explorer.
To get to the chat, use the link posted by OP in the first post.


Then when the screen comes up scroll to the bottom and in the bottom bar it will say "home", click that and the chat login will appear ;)

Hopefully a button on the toolbar will be implemented to make it easier.
I`m a gueina pig   dang a little pig   for a beta, and I must say I am impressed with your start and courage to launch this toolbar. I will admit what drew me to installing it was access to moderators. Not being one to complain much at all, I did like this feature. I can see where it will be a headache for mods, when whiney tankers otherwise would forget the mod address.  Thankyou and keep up the good work !
I think it's cool that you've added to this site. Ipromote FOD everywhere I go, it
s just the best site I can find.(I stopped looking after this site,lol). I wish you the Best fo luck on it, I have too many tool bars as is, but GL!!!!
This is great, one problem so far, the games drop-down bar, were it shows the games in descending order, will btring a pop-up that is quite convenient, but will not let you view player information. At least not for me.
im on vista home premium and had no problems with the toolbar at all great idea and well implemented ;)

gutted, can't get Dearne FM on the radio toolbar, but Hallam FM good enough for me anyway lol (by the way don't worry bout it, its hard to find it on a standard radio anyway lol.)

Nice project though congrats (y), good to see people are doing good things in the background. =]

Just a quick follow up..
Thanks to all for posting
your comments..as you can see
(those who have installed the bar)
we are watching this topic ;)

A brief comment about the chat,
it's important to note that it is not
a part of the FlyOrDie chats so
it's not monitored or moderated 
those who wish to use it 
feel free to do so with this
information in mind.

As this is a on-going project, you will see
changes, none of which will require any
effort on the members part, the changes will
show up when you restart your browser,
some are obvious, like the media player that
was recently added, other changes will be
minor cosmetic changes to improve features,
functionalty and / or appearance.

One item that we are looking at currently is making 
available the option to launch the PC versions 
of FlyOrDie's most popular games via the toolbar...
hopefully that will be implimented within the next
couple of weeks.

As always, comments, suggestions or gripes are

Thanks, and enjoy your games!

Just a quick update for those interested...

The Toolbar stats are looking real nice
so far.. 
Actually they are quite excellent..

A link to the toolbar download has now 
been added to the FlyOrDie home page 
(nice work OP)

And as always.. your feedback is welcomed and

What's the latest news on the messages feature not working Ghost? :)

Is the error still being looked at?
Hi Chris,
Thats still not working for you ?

I did see the same issue the day that
you posted your original message on this 
but it has since cleared itself on my end..

]Games & Forums Moderation


Nope Ghost it still refuses to work for me :p

It's no biggie as I know where the page is to view the news manually anyway :)
Any chance we can get the top list for snooker light
added along with all the others.
Hi ghost i would like to say having the toolbar has helped greatlly,Iv'e been a member for a short time but love the interaction with everybody on the site.But i do have problems with getting d/c.It happens to often too me is this always been a problem, still fod rocks and i hopr one day to become a moderator for the site. thanks Angel.  

Sorry for the delay in replies folks..
lots going on IRL here..

For Chris
Hmmm... thats odd.. it should be working..
what browser are you using if I may ask?

For alldersboy
Sure, we can look at that 
I will discuss it with the
FlyOrDie Special Projects group
and post back..

For Angel
Thanks for your compliment, 
I'm glad that you find the
toolbar a useful item on your

Regarding FoD server disco's,
there are so many factors to
consider when this happens..
ie: network traffic, ISP connectivity
and local PC configuration...
just to name a few..
FlyOrDie monitors their servers constantly
and when / if any issues present themselves,
they are quick to react...making all attempts
to mitigate the trouble and any downtime that
may result..
In other words,  
FlyOrDie is proud to say that their entire 
system is completely up and running
99.9% of the time..

If you find that connectivity issues with the games
are persistent, 
I would suggest opening a support ticket with 
FlyOrDie Games support (support@flyordie.com) 
to allow them to help troubleshoot your problem directly....
rather than trying to troubleshoot it here 
in the forums.



]Games & Forums Moderation


>Hmmm... thats odd.. it should be working..what browser are you using if I may ask?

IE 7 ;)
>FlyOrDie is proud to say that their entire system is completely up and running 99.9% of the time.

there are just over 10,000 minutes in a week.  at 0.1% downtime, this is an average of 10 minutes per week that the servers would be down.  not great.  not horrible.  and while i only play a game that's rarely affected by disconnects, it still would be nice to have that 99.9% improved to 99.95 or 99.99% ;)

Thanks Ghost for getting back so quick,and letting me know hows you cope n manage  with the server issues,i understand.keep up the good work.

lol jason,

Thanks for breaking that percentage down for me
it really was meant to be a approximation though..
in my 15+ years on the internet, I have never
seen 100% uptime on ANY server or network.

I'm on a 20mbps (upstream & downstream)
Fiber Optic connection here and I honestly
have never had any disconnect issues on
FlyOrDie that are worth mentioning..
an occasional closed connection due to in-activity
but other than that.. it's pretty rock solid for me.

FlyOrDie support is very helpful in this area,
as I mentioned in my previous message,
if you find that you are having disconnect issues,
by all means contact them at the support email addy
provided, give them as much info as possible about
your machine, internet connection and the circumstances
of the disconnection and I'm sure they will offer
some valuable troubleshooting tips.

I would really rather we stay on topic here in this thread though... 
it's for the Toolbar and related information.


]Games & Forums Moderation

Would just like to say, well done, to "the father figure" (OP's words) on this great addition to the site.

Hi Ghost'is it that difficult to become a moderator
and if not can i sign up n see how we go
                 thanks Again Angel
at first i wasnt sure but i have had it downloaded and it is great, its a great addition to the site;)
that response is not related to this thread.  you should either find a similar thread to reply to, or start a new one for questions like that.
but to answer your question, i believe there is a lot of 'work' with being a moderator (you get a lot of mod-emails, and also have to frequently be checking forums... and possibly other things of which i'm not aware, because i'm not a mod).  but unless you have another account, you won't be able to be a moderator yet.  one of the requirements is that you must have been playing on FOD for at least a year.  there is a mod application which can be found through a few links somewhere from the FOD main page.

<< www.flyordie.com/reachus.html >>

[Edited by: RalphTheDog on Jul 27, 2007 7:37 PM]
Me again.
Thanks for getting the snooker light top 20 aded to list.
Just wondering if the top lists open in new window for the rest of you like it does for me?
Very nice GHOST. But I can't seem to get BBC Radio 1 on the Radio Player. Anyone else been successful? :'(

Yes Marc, Toplists open in new window for me too.
Thanks for the informatation that you gave me Jason.


Very nice GHOST. But I can't seem to get BBC Radio 1 on the Radio Player.

Thanks Jamez, and Ty as well Peter my old friend
it really is a community effort between FlyOrDie 
and it's membership..
your comments & compliments are really appreciated.

Regarding the BBC stream..
I'm in the States and it says on BBC Radio1 home that
only listeners in the UK can connect 
(with Windows Media player anyway) 
and thats what the radio player in the toolbar
is essentially..  a custom version of.. 

even if I knew the actual stream URL for one
of BBC Radio1's feeds.. 
I would'nt be able to test it.


An excellent idea guys. This toolbar will be sent to all my contacts. I am currently undertaking to organize a pool tny within my workplace so hopefully with the toolbar more people will have access to our fantastic site.;) keep up the gr8 work guys  (an gals) regards   grant.

Quick stats update..
for those who may be interested

Since it's release to the FoD
community on 6 July, 
there have been over 4,100 
installations of the Toolbar.
This figure combines both IE
and Firefox users.

That rocks !
Well done everyone..  ;)

]Games & Forums Moderation

I just downloaded the FoD toolbar and I LOVE IT! I was just wondering if it will be available for Opera.
I had to reprogram my pc,,,,how do I install flyordie?,,,,I'm a member,,,,melearnd21......thanx

<<I refer you to the very first post in this thread...>>

[Edited by: RalphTheDog on Aug 9, 2007 2:12 PM]

I just downloaded the FoD toolbar and I LOVE IT! 
I was just wondering if it will be available for Opera.

Hi Dr.
Currently the Toolbar is only available for
Internet Explorer & Firefox web browsers.

There are no plans at this time to make the
Toolbar compatible with the Opera software..


Screen shot of the FoD Toolbar... 
for those interested in seeing
a newer image than the one currently shown
on the download page.

Link to screen shot...[url=

*Click back on your web browser to return to
this topic / page

10,000 installations so far.....  :O
imagine that...

My contribution to the FlyOrDie
toolbar is complete (currently, anyway)
it's been a rewarding experience
to see it gain popularity and use.

Very cool..

As always, any problems, comments, suggestions 
or gripes are welcomed..


Every day I look at the first play of the top players list, and you have a certain score, enter the room and every day I miss always 3 points, and I have already disappeared several, like riaverli since we dedicate time and money have the points.
escobar you lose a certain amount of points everyday so people dont sit on there rating like they used to. ;)
Great work guys now hopefully we see some updates for tanx :p
Hmm if i may suggest GHOST MP, I have created a tool bar with the same host you have used. I think it would be cool to add the chat room feature also? or add a special flyordie chat room for the community at FOD to chat to when not on flyordie? 

This would be GREAT :D