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Online World Chess Championships@Flyordie
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Online World Chess Championships@Flyordie
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Online World Chess Championships@Flyordie
I think we should have an online world chess championship here at Flyordie. Could some one please organize one?
Great idea! But I dont know now can it work.
The basic idea is we get a lot of players (About 300) to sign up for the World Championships, then in their personal info, they must display their country. Then, we hire tounrnament staff to watch for any signs of cheating during games. Chess programs should not be allowed, for this is a World Championship, and not a Computer World Championship. 
During games, the time limit is 20 min.(usual), and Chess Computers should not be allowed. Seven Games are played (On different days) to determine who moves on and who gets kicked out. Game notification should be sent by E-Mail. 
If the opponent doesn't show up, the other player wins one of the seven matches by default. Allowing the opponent to win is illegal. Using multiple accounts is also cheating.

After a whole bunch of matches the remaining two players play best of seven (On different days), and the winner of the World Championships should be known as "The World Champ"

Pairings should be selected in according to rating, by Flyordie's staff. Anyone who has a rating is eligible for the World Championhip Qualifiers, so anybody can become the World Champ.I hope that the world championships will come into effect.