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English 8ball
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Dear Moderators
English 8ball
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Dear Moderators
English 8ball
Hi all;)

i knw Mods and OP has said no to english 8ball but 9ball is way to fluky and 8ball the rails rule and delb poting others balls..

so i think there cud be a english 8ball wer thers no delb fouls and no rails rules.

It wud Bring in more ppl tht like the game and play Alot and it wud also giv ppl more choice.

If any1 Agree put ur Name and a comment

ok,im putting my name down,but
look at billiards forum,theres a "bo3 button petention"
3 years,hundreds of players,no reaction :|
i agree
i think thats a great idea
im in:)