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Why does F/D allow players to have more than 1 nick for the same IP address
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Why does F/D allow players to have more than 1 nick for the same IP address
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Why does F/D allow players to have more than 1 nick for the same IP address
As a dues paying member for years I find strange that F/D allows players to have many different nick and maybe even different memberships.  This allows VERY good players to cheat everyone as they are ringers/sharks in both regular games and tournies ?   ANY COMMENTS !
u probably just lost a game to good player and now came here to show ur dissapointment with making a silly topic.
I agree Bj, I dont think he lost to a good player, just the opposite, A good player lost to him then he finds himself getting harrassed by nicknames that are the same rank or lower as his name by this good player and his mates, using names that they share to cheat players out of points and bank the points to bump up their top names. This is getting more and more common in here and is spoiling the site. Either FOD should open it's own email server and players can only register with this email so the nick names IP's can be checked and banned more easily and effictively. let players have more than one name, but there also should be a ceiling of the amount of names you can have. Lastly it's pointless having the mute button with these fools who harrass in more than 1 name, you mute one of their names and they bring another one in that isnt muted, you should be able to mute a persons IP when u mute a nickname, either that or list all nick names to that IP on players info.
Restricting 1 account per IP is a little extreme. There are quite alot of people who play on here along with their siblings/parents even/friends from the same network.

Dear Felipe Carvaljo ... of course you are correct ... I did lose a game to an VERY good player who masked his true idenity and skill by using a new nick and a membership nick during a tourny.  But you seem to missed the whole point.   Why does a very good player need to mask/hide their true skill and ability ... WHY ... so they can cheat other players/members.   If you can't see that or can't understand that then there is little point in having an reasonable discussion with you.
oooOOO0OOOooo ... you have a valid point in regards to the group harrassment and group cheating that goes on here.  But my point was F/D does not seem to do anything or care about players that cheat other players or members by using many different nicks.  Why does a very good player mask/hide their true skill and ability other then to improve their own rating ... is this ARTIFICALLY creating and improving their ranking ... if a new member wants to play a fellow new members (ranking Red or yellow) why must they be cheated by someone who masking their skill either blue, pink or black. But again the BIGGER question is WHY DOES F/D ALLOW THIS. 
Unfortunately 1 person is not in accordance with 1 single IP address in most of the cases.
Sometimes more people use the same IP, sometimes a person changes his/her IP much frequently (can happen even without their consent, or on purpose).
So, technically it is not really possible to restrict registrations based on IP's.


Operator ...... well I guess thats it then ... throw your hands-up and allow cheaters to run the F/D game system. ... No point playing any tourny's as it full of them ... not ALL but there quite a few ... like those ranked RED with NO game history beating Blues, Pinks and even Black's ... but I guess thats just luck! ... Funny as at any given time anyone/member can check players RECORDS and find those with perfect or near perfect scoring histories ... like a RED player with some 25 games played (against red, greens, browns and blues with NO losses ... HUM I guess we will just call that luck again. ... Oh well thanks for the info ... maybe you can provide some advice/information as to how does one report such players ... as you well know all the information on such cheaters is in your own system ???
Shut up, if you were any good at the game you'd do it yourself.
^^Chill out m8!, Your always gonna get people making new nicks, Id say about 99% of people who play here have more than one nick, its the way it goes and its not going to change.

Next time your in a tourny, just check there info before you play them and if they seem dodgy, dont play em.

I can support the Op as from my house there's two people who play Fod, Altho the other doesnt play as much as i do.

Also dont listen to Felipe m8, he's one of the most immature kids ive come across on here to date, obviously he leads an insecure life as he wouldnt vend his anger on here so often ;)
> No point playing any tourny's as it full of them 

Surely the only problem people have with finding out someone has made a new nickname for a tournament is the fact they thought they would get an 'easy' first game against a red and they subsequently find out they are actually a pink/black in 'disguise'?

I agree with your points, it is probably more fair for players to use their 
 usernames rather than making a new one up just for the purpose of a tournament, but surely the ultimate purpose of the tourny is to discriminate on the grounds of skill level. Regardless of whether or not the person is ranked red/yellow/black, if you find yourself playing them in the last stages of a tourny you know they have some amount of skill.

>like those ranked RED with NO game history beating Blues, Pinks and even Black's

I think the advice here is not to play anyone ranked 400+ points below you unless they are a good friend or you want to take the risk that they could actually be a good player.

>throw your hands-up and allow cheaters to run the F/D game system

FOD rules aren't the clearest sometimes, the rules regarding cheating don't necessarily include playing higher rated people. (If this was the case you would have to introduce a rule saying that a red ranked snooker player cannot play someone with more than 200 points, this wouldn't be suitable in my opinion)

[pre]2.1 artificially adjusting your rating (resetting, banking, ...) 
2.2 operation jumping 
2.3 encouraging your opponent to leave the match 
2.4 intentionally loosing in favour of your opponent 
2.5 accepting your opponent's behaviour who is intentionally loosing 
geez bjbear, ur as bad as tom, giv it a rest
Still cryin Duck?

giv it another week and ull b over it(Y);)
rise?..... I expected nothing other than a comment like that, you choose to hate someone over a game. all I have to say to you little boy is that karma is a beautiful thing, you reap what you sow.:)
I don't hate either of you two, I just think your both nice
BjBears problem is that he loses to reds too often
Lol bud (rise) it's not a case of being nice, I just dont care as much as some people on this site about my points, like many people I just come here to play and kill time, I also dont think that it's being a case of being nice when players use just one name and play people who are rated as they are and expect a fair game or evenly matched game. Unfortunately it's mainly the very good players who like to have lots of names and in many cases hustle and harrass, and not all the high rated players do this, does this make the people that do this feel like their not nice, and that being nice is a weakness ? (lol)

Having morals, being polite, not harrassing people, not bullying or cyber bullying people and not wanting to abuse people isnt being nice it's common sense.

I've seen you play this game and I know your a good player, and probably a good lad. 


Felipe Carvaljo = The Masters™(perm) :(? , R'OSULLIVAN, elvijs master.s, PETSIBETSI, makr sleby, MY.mother, and so on... 

If anyone ever come's across this kid, plz mute him. Because he's not worth bantering with k. 

He's a pure kid 100%. He like's causing trouble an thats it.

By the way on the subject of cheating son. You take free win's from Ben and Sonny, so don't accuse anyone else of cheating son. grow up an stop causing trouble son.

Get a paper round job. It might help son :(?

An before you take a shot back at me ye,I Admit i cheated in the past an it was great F UL. :(?

What now son?

Owned Cyberly and Verbaly on the Internet son. :( ?  

ROFL :), if anyones agree's with me leave a reply lol.