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Idea about subs
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Idea about subs
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Idea about subs
Hello moderators / O P E R A T O R

Would like make a suggestion about flyordie sub friend list

I think it would be good to have a Friend List button "like Lobby one" with features of  list of all your friends  wether they are online or offline what game they are in what room they are in and ect ect  make it easier for sub to find there friends within flyordie :)




I think you're Nickname is the perfect reason why this is not neccesarily a good idea :D
could also add in,   have to be accepted by the other person to be buddies  so you dont get people been silly and abusen their sub rights following people
you could also add,,  you have you be accepted to be pool buddies by the person you are adding to stop people abusen their add friend button to annoy others
I had exactly the same suggestion like you years back. 
i think it would be good idea so you no your friends online we pay so we should beable play our friends all the time be good