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OPERATOR  HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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OPERATOR  HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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OPERATOR  HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi. Some may know that my other nickname is called ''♥Georgia Foote♥''.
When I first made that nickname and logged in ''Do you want to remember the password'' came up. Obviously I clicked yes.
Last night I accidentally unclicked ''Keep myself logged in'' and because It's been so long that I made the nick I've forgotten my password. Also I cant remember the email!
I'm trying to remember my password but I cant think of it and when I try logging in it comes up ''Wrong Password''.
I really dont know what to do & I need the OPERATOR to help me out. Please help me out and get back to me soon. ASAP!!!!
We do not have a 
"Do you want to remember the password" or a
"Keep myself logged in" option, so you could not have unclicked such things.

We only send password reminders to registered email address, so you should seriously brush up your memory a bit.

Lol? Nevermind haha. What I'm trying to say is.. Can you help me??? I'm no computer wiz mate. :|
ur browser remember the password...
all passwords are stored in the browser and there is a way to view them. . .but i cant remember how its done lol. . .but dont worry. .something will come up. .
He has helped you and you have been a little stupid by even forgetting your email address and password 
he has found it now.but hasnt bothered telling you
You tried to go to your browser settings, tools --> options --> security ---> password saved ? If it is true what you say, there is great possibility that he will find your password.. this method is for Mozilla Firefox, if you are using internet explorer i recommend using a small program called IE PassView , because IE also saves the passwords, but the encrypts.. with this program you can see the passwords that ha marked "remember password" easily ..
Did it myself somehow, found it now :|
Nightmare King please dont call me stupid thanks :|
I have moe than 1 email address & I couldn't remember which one I used to make the nick.
You should still not forget your password and email 
its possible to forget your email especially if your like me and signed up 7years ago.I dont even know what email address i signed up with and there no way to change that.

think it keeps you logged in until you log out or clear your cookies.
mozilla firefox asks if you want it to remember your password when you log into a site.
If you dont remember your email, go to flyordie com > contact and press bug report or technical problems and you will see window and there's your email or just press your nick in forum to see your forum profile and you should see your email