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slow player
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slow player
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slow player
there's a buy I'm playing against who's using almost 60 seconds every time. what do I do?
This is not against the rules. Each player has a 60 second shot clock and therefore, this means that you can take this time to take your shot.
  If the player does not take their shot in the 60 second gap, a "Time Out" foul will be called.

Kind Regards,

clear table and don't let him shot :)
Yes, what Rulez said is a good cure for the time standing issue... However, don't do this against me, of course! :p

Kind Regards,
of course I'm talking about those who does it on purpose, so I don't know why you write what you do. If you don't have other intentions than trolling, don't write comments at all.
Whos trolling? the simple fact is the shot clock is 60 seconds and people are allowed to take 60 seconds per shot, all you can do is try and win and dont play the player again if it bothers you. This used to be a problem where people would intentionally wait 60 seconds and foul hoping that you would pass shot so they could do it again and you would hopfully leave or get disconnected but the new auto forfeit/free ball rules etc put a stop to this. All I can advise is dont play players who you consider to be taking advantage of the 60 second limit. Plenty of fair players play the game try to pick one of them.
>there's a buy I'm playing against who's using almost 60 seconds every time. what do I do?

You wait & watch..  Some people can play fastly and others would rather take their time to perfect their shot.

Senior FlyOrDie Moderator
All the games suffer from slow players.  All the games also have many rooms.  Make one Slow/Elderly/Beginner room for those who enjoy watching the paint dry.  Speed up the time limits in regular rooms to save the rest of us from the hesitant and distracted.

P.S.(Most ethnic/language rooms are unused)
Totally in the rules.
The answer is with the flyordie management.
It does annoy me in quick snooker. I would suggest 30secs would be more fair. If the players who take 60 secs don't like it, they can play full snooker and enjoy the pace.
the problem is that they intentionally use all the 60 seconds on purpose. even if the cue is going from side to side, no one uses 60 seconds unless it's for tactical reasons.
I hate it.

Make a option which makes it possible to only have 20 secs a shot(It´s enough time for anyone, really) for fast players.
Yes of course, but we don't know,сan man of the village something happened, and so I too do not supports such)