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Java error
Java error
Java error
Rercently updated to latest Java Version 7 Update 45 and now uanble to launch any flyordie games on Chrome, Firefox or IE.

I just get an error message as below:

runtime exception:  java.lang.reflect.invocationtargetexception

Any ideas what I could do?  I've tried reinstalling, rebooting to no avail
There are some problems with the latest java 7u45, we are trying to fix this asap.

As a temporary solution, you can switch back to a previous version of java by doing the following:

- uninstall java
- then when you start the game, our installer should install  an earlier version (7u40)
- if the automatic install does not work, you can manually download and install 7u40 at: 
The error seems to be fixed, so you can now use the latest java version for all games, except for Tanx.

For Tanx you still need to downgrade as described above.

Thank you for your patience.
it isn't fixed... I still cant play on the new version
I have also a login problem after upgrade Java.
I use Windows 7 and a AMD Computer.
After starting game I recive an errorreport with a blue Screen.
Not fixed, installed several times and failed to allow entry into site?

the new version is not fix yet, how to get version 7u40 ? thanks
Bonjour, j'ai le même soucis. Quand je désinstalle java 7u45 et que je vais sur FlyOrDiE ont me demande d'installer "Flyordie java rapide game"??? Quand je l'installe cela revient exactement au même. J'ai installer manuellement java 7u40 cela reste pareil, toujours avec l'écran bleu. J'ai testé avec google chrome, mozilla, safari, IE. Autre solution? 

how to down load manually java version 7u40, the link you gave before has been removed, thanks
Bonsoir, j'avais aussi ce problème. Il faut télécharger java 7u45 sur le site oracle que voici : 

Si le problème persiste cela vient peut-être d'adobe ou de votre anti-virus (désinstallé et réinstallé). Ce que j'ai fait et je n'ai plus de soucis. 

PS: Même avec la page bleu vous pouvez vous connecter. Mais le jeu se lance au bout de 10 à 15 minutes!

Please help, the java still does not work for the game
Have you tried completely removing all installed java versions (including registry entries), and re install from scratch?
I'M the same cant get into games after updating jarva,even though it has updated successfully, tried restore uninstall reinstall and each time I press play, it's saying I need to update jarva,4 hours later and still the same??help
Same here Posty doesn't work even though I have successfully re installed it onto my computer
As a subscriber to FOD I want to know why I cannot play on their games! Java is fine on my computer but apparently I still need to update it, even though I have the newest version (7 45) why is this happening!
Please refer to the section "Java" in "General" forum post

StreamLine (Senior Moderator)
Same problem .
It was running ok yesterday . Cant log in today . All the other funktions run by Java Works fine . But Flyordie is a dead end . 
it's the same for me ! i'm really upset about it
No FOD tonite! As with all the others, cannot get thru to the site without it telling me I need to update Java, which I have already done twice. Time for FOD to have a talk with Java. This sucks!
Hope a moderater "lets me" write that I'm upset too.

Also with a new Flash update (not from  Adobe) ...

why do u want me to upgrade something I have allready the latest Version?

(And why am I not allowed to write a new Topic about that bug?)
....and again: with Flash...

Dont know what is THAT difficult about stopping that!

What does flyordie get from that...
...and again!!!
"Seite kann nicht angezeigt werden!
Bitte aktualisiere Flash Player auf die neueste Version!"
(Site couldnt be shown...Flash...!@#$§.. arrrrrrr)
my Version 13,0,0,214!!!


Dear flyordie: what is THAT difficult about stopping that sh.. bug!????????????????????????
FlyOrDie games do not require the Flash Player.
Please check your system for malware.
thx4answering! I try2get out, from where the popup Comes!
[link removed]

is this a known Malware???

[Edited by: OPERATOR on 2014.05.23. 8:35]
I didnt find updateplayer-Malware on my PC.

Can it be that flyordie is infected???
If FlyOrDie was infected, there would be massively more complaints about this.
When u remove the link (flashupdater.us) nobody can see it and tell me, if anybody knows that malware ...


By the way: 2ur answer: flyordie doesnt use flah ...

arent all Banners with flas???

Thanks anyway4ur answer
Banners may be flash if you have flash installed.
But FlyOrDie won't force install flash, games will work without it and banners will be pure images/html5 animations.

the flash update is called flash updater virus it comes as a popup then when click it takes you to a site to download something called flash player pro & if you install it your pc will be full of malware.(google it)

flyordie doesn't use flash it uses java and will run fine without flash player installed.Hopefully with the move to html 5 we won't even need java eventually.
Thanks a lot 4 explanation!

(How I said some answers up: my free Avira Antivir doesnt find such a Virus ... and an extra installed free Anti-Malware program "MalwareBytes" doesnt too)

I will never push the ok-button, but I'm looking 4 a free Antivirus-Program, that could help me removing that flashupdater.us!

Thanks a lot again!
i never did manage to get rid of it fully.i did go in browser settings and block redirects.I also cleared cookie and web cache.
it got worse and worse until i could no longer access any websites and i rang my isp and they gave me instructions to delete my wireless network and then i reconnected to it using the wifi key and its been fine since. 

i get internet cuts out sometimes and redirect attempts blocked still.
The error is back with java 7u60. I have lowered the lever of security to medium (as I did with version 7u51) but the error remains.