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[Register now] 16-Players Tournament
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[Register now] 16-Players Tournament
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[Register now] 16-Players Tournament
I hope flyordie admins allow us to have custom leagues on our own, through a website that I made solely for this game just this morning.


In this website, I plan on hosting 8/16/32 players tournament and if possible team tournaments as well.

I still need to finish writing the rules, but I'm hoping to get some help from a few dedicated users here who would like to help me organize all future tournaments. If you are interested in the job, please let me know here. 4-6 users by my side would be great. :)

For the first tournament, I will start with Tour 16. If you want to register, please leave a reply here with your rating. First 16 to reply will be in the tournament.


You can put me down to play. Rating 120. Cheers Jock
Ok! You are in!

Instead of Tour 16 though, I will start with Tour 8. Check the website frequently for updates. :)
I would love it for you to join!

Got a forum as well 
 to get us organized instead of spamming here. :)

Let's try to make this game fun!
I like that! Is it still possible to apply?
yes! just join the forum on my website.

i'll probably add the curling league user zachw was intending to make and produce division tables and playoff matches as well. :)