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Four in a Row
Four in a Row
Hey all,

May have been a topic already for this, however I am not getting many games lately and haven't got much to do this month.

I was thinking we new players/ players who are puzzled by a move could post the style here, and one of us better players could answer with the right move and show them why, to allow them to learn. 

In other words I think it would be quite cool if other players just posted questions here and the rest of us could try  to help to improve the player as well.

That said - I am offering to teach anyone in any regular style ( hard variants also)If interested message me in game and tell me what style you want to learn and we can play as many games as you desire.

Time to improve c4 and get the next generation of players.

Never know when connect four could save your life ;)!


This is very generous of you to offer. I just began looking into this forum.

I would like to play with you. I will look for your user name. Sometimes I post questions during a game, like "at which move did I no longer have a chance, etc." and never, ever get players to answer. Occasionally I beat a player over 200 , but usually get forced off my winning spaces near the end, and I know it happens early. 

So, I notice better players usually play blue either 3 or 5, if I play 4 1st. Why is that? I understand odds for red, and evens for blue, but It seems there is another principle involved, that If they play up that column, or across columns they clearly have more winning spaces, they will get a break move that sets them up with all even numbers left in rows and I'm forced to lose. Is there a singular principle, or does the next winning move change with each move I make. It sure feels as thought it's scripted from the beginning, and I'd like to figure that out. Is this possible?

So what are these styles you mention. 

Again, thanks for being willing to teach.
"You never know, connect four may save you're life" ?

I can't picture anyone being in a position where they have to win a game of connect four to continue living unless of course it's some insane hostage situation where the culprit holding the people captive enjoys a game of Connect Four..
nice idea.

yesmyprecious: The game is scripted from the beginning yes. Red wins with perfect play.
Since the game is small and solved, the theory of winning spaces and positional strategy does not apply. Every move made by blue, are just tactics to get red to break.

The main reason for going in 3/5, is to force red to stay in row one (2/6 or 1/7 is only winning moves for red). Then blue got more tricks for trying to grab evens than going 4 (d2) right away.

So... C4 is not a strategy game, its more of a memory game. The only way to be creative, is to puzzle with antis, and force yourself to keep playing variants that you don't allready know.
I try to play by the principle of allways play the line that i find the hardest or at best dont know. (tho i do fall into the temptation of playing easy more than alot)  


as relfson explains blue going 3 or even 2,1 are just different wants to break people. As there are over a million different possibilities in connect four - it is very rare that a player knows every single one.

As for the styles, I am pretty much willing to teach any style you name - even draw styles if you so wish. For example.

417 ( harder variations)
436 ( harder variations)

and countless more which I can't think of at moment aha.

It is really nice of you.

I am already learning by playing with good players. But I am still not good so I'd like you to teach me and I'll pay you money. I am serious and really want to be an unbeatable player when I play first.

I'm looking forward to your response.
"Time to improve c4 and get the next generation of players".

Let me laugh where are you now? Your student know nothing at the moment.
You can play your silly billard and c4. I can't believe your childish attitude. 

And where are the others? Wake up come back to play time to time. It's only a game don't be scared! lmao
Oh please pumpkin, I have some good facts about you;

A. You hardly play this game at all
B. When you do, you play badly
C. when you get broke you leave immediately even when "2" games are set
D. You are all mouth in the forums but cant back anything up

Don't come on here to criticize my friend. As you have failed to notice this Topic was posted back in March, and a lot of things have changed. Have you ever considered that Warren is bored of this game? and that there is no point in continuously repeating the same old stuff he has been doing for the past years?

Without new board sizes or even decent tournaments in which a player who deserves to win i.e non program or unfair points horder, and have you considered he has a life beyond the realm of "FOD" ?.

I'm pretty sure that University work os more important that playing 7x6 Connect 4, in which is now full of endless running, constant noob bashing, points loving, programming, and no real challenge to play against besides about 3 people...

And i beg to the new and old Gods, that you do not reply to this, with some self centred, "Smart" remark, you see the quotations there? its sarcasm, because you lack the intelligence to reply with a decent paragraph or any type of empathy. Enjoy your evening.
You broke my heart. I wish you a beautiful day. I'm sure like this the players they will come back. :-) 


Yes, yawn... 

You feel better when you defend your bone. 
But I will never let you feel better if your choice is to destroy this game and disturb the happyness or the good mood of the players. 
Do you understand? If you can't, in this case learn English. Hmm. And by the same time... Some others interesting languages. 

I'm not sarcastic... *higher*. 
Don't play with my kindness. 

Go to university, eat your books, I hope one day you will find your mind.

It doesn't matter if the gods of the game come back and play or not,

Just find some players you know are fair and you enjoy playing and learn new styles, 

as relfson says learn to play a style which is hard and makes you challenge yourself but to do this you need a player who will also do this

as far as im concerned many mobile app sites have better standards now and less cheats so that is a reason as to why most don't come here now.


I think this topic will get lockt very soon 

Keep safe smile more :) 

Pumpkin... who are you? exactly, no one, your just some random person tryna stick their ore in things that don't concern you.

Crawl back under the rock you came from.

Okay I seen enough of this spam/abuse and childish attitude. 

Pumpkin, at the time  I wanted to help others improve at the game, currently there are many programs who end up making fair players trying to learn the game to quit. All they want is to play against other fair players.

Now because I decide to quit because I think my education is more important than playing an online game; you think you can just post random stuff insulting me?

I think you need to read what you say and then ask yourself " who really is the childish one?" In future do not insult my friends and grow up. I think it's time for you to learn what reality is, and not what some "smug" words over the internet are.

If you got a problem with me, deal with it.

To anyone else, I am still willing to teach players, if you want a few games or just want some help in learning styles, then just post a reply asking me :)

Good Games all and good day,

Kind Regards,


Emerald Dragon you are the most disrespectful player than I have ever seen.
How the moderators accept such sentences. It's shocking!
Good luck in your future Warren and farewell.



"currently there are many programs" : objection to this statement. In the past the programs were as much as now.

This game needs oxygen! Certainly more tolerance with the players of any level. 

The discrimination leaded by disrespectful players as I say before isn't what we need now. 

Picklehead has talking about sites with better standards... I say there is not a better site than FlyOrDie. :-)

Best Regards.

Oh, and I forgot the most important... It's time to have fun!
Idk if you guys are still following this topic but i am a player slowly trying to improve my game i wanted to know the best way to learn antis and breaks
I find funny, many of those mourn that there are many programmers do not complain themselves.

Some people here also contributed to what C4 is now we know. Some people here also used programs in the past and point banked in past.

False moralism do not hide what you were in past and what you have done in the past.

The number of programmers is shorter than in past. Some unfair players decided to leave the game or some unfair players decided to learn the game.