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Old players
Posted in 
Four in a Row
Old players
Posted in 
Four in a Row
Old players
Me and relfson miss some of you guys, people such as Suprafix, Devilz, Divine Knight, muggaz, golbez, LAMIA, Kim (i know you was playing recently, were did you go?).

A good few others too. The game is slightly "dull" at the moment, and it would be nice to see some of you guys on, maybe even a few games along the way.

Finally, it would be nice to see eliten on too, how is your site coming? i forgot the URL, send it me via skype sometime.

Thanks for the time. 
Hi Floki, who are you? Jerome?
I'm DKEJC btw & yes this is an old topic :)
Quite sad to see one of my old accounts wasn't mentioned or even Jerome for that matter. I know I'm replying on a dead thread that's months old. But I myself have just returned.
Lool. too much meta going on these days..

Forget about this post, no one seems to care about this game anymore, and neither do I.

Yeah common ladies/gents/trans' - c4 is back in.

dreddz, fouracle, chessmaster, metaldave, yuki and ferite also!! *hashtagging*