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Paid Tournaments / Leagues
Paid Tournaments / Leagues
Paid Tournaments / Leagues
Any chance of getting paid tournaments or leagues started up??

Not unless someone makes a website and does it..FOD is a free website doubt they would do it lol..good idea tho, despite me not being a curling player i would go for it.
I did it a couple of years ago, at no charge. It was initially good fun, but I got fed up settling disputes between players and sorting out walkover wins when they didn't turn up to play at the agreed times.
I wouldn't do it again, at any price!
muddyd had a excellent web site hip hip for the time you spent for others fun but it was to difficult to get players to play at a set time 
Thanks bakkenboy. It was good fun to begin with, but when I didn't ever get notified about the result of the final of one of the tournaments I organised I kind of lost interest!