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English room 1 in 20 min chess
English room 1 in 20 min chess
English room 1 in 20 min chess
This was a very vibrant room full of chess in a social friendly enviorment it saddens me that what was the jewel in the crown was allowed to be destroyed 
Does FOD ever have plans to reintroduce their best part of their chess site or do we now all play here as trappist monks with little if any human contact ?
I miss this site but it isnt what it was and could be again 
I agree 100% the English room was great, I have great memories playing in there, with all the banter and humour.. Good Times. 
I do not agree. I think that room was meant to be destroyed. There was too much fight over there. specially between those punks called shark and listom. We didn't needed that kind of agravation. Good riddance! I heard they moved on with their lives: Listom finally married st peter's mother and shark got caught by a fishnet. (but not the good kind)
Sharks alive and well, no net can hold me no sir lol, i had great times and many great friends in that room, hi goddess hope u been well
Hey The SHARK,

I'm doing good, hope you're doing fine as well, nice to see you back buddy, thanks for resurrecting an 3 year old topic :D
Thank u. shawn - anok - tom finly i loved playing u those games, like old times,& wild games too.