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Leagu format idea.
Leagu format idea.
Leagu format idea.
Hello good people of Fod, this idea has been suggested a few times by JenJonesFan, Whitecr and a few others. They do not go into details but I think they are meaning something like this.
3 leagues of 10, league A, B & C. Depending on ratings when leagues start the 10 best rated go into league A & so on. 
League A plays 10 enders playing each other once as the top players like to play 10 ends. League B plays 8 ends & each other once. League C plays 6 ends & plays each other once. 

When all matches are complete the bottom of league A gets relegated to league B for the next competition, bottom of league B gets relegated to league C. Top of leagues B & C autonatically get promoted to A & B respectively. 

2nd bottom of league A plays 2nd top of league B over 8 or 10 ends, winner gets in A league for next competition while loser plays in group B. Same principle applies to 2nd bottom of league B & 2nd top of league C but over 8 ends. 
There would be 1 month to complete 9 matches & anyone who agrees to take part & not turn up it goes down as a loss. At the end of each competition people that don't turn up will be replaced by others who want in. 

Now who wants to organise this?
Not me for sure....sounds a bit too much like work.

My head is spinning just reading this
I don't want to organize this, but I will participate.
The idea is good, but it seems like a big work to administrate- It will be quite a job to manage as many matches, something like 135 matches spread over 3 leagues, 45 matches in each. Perhaps this work could be distributed on three persons, one person for each league.
It should be pretty easy to administer with something similar to sportstables.net and I don't mind taking a crack at it. I wouldn't mind a couple of volunteers to assist.

I propose 3 divisions to start with, 8-10 teams per division, depending on interest. Placement is self selected:

A Division - Guys who are legitimately about 375 points most of the time - Trout, Talent, etc... (i.e. not me)

B Division - People from 175-400 points

C Division - People up to 225 points

If we get more, we can add D Division etc.

Let me know if you're in and what level you should be at...Actual point totals might be irrelevant (note there is some overlap above). The above is just a guideline. If you place yourself too high or too low you will be in for a world of hurt or a world of boredom. 

Games - self-arranged round robin. 1 calendar month to play all round robin games. Minimum 6 ends; 8 or 10 ends by mutual agreement. All "A" Division games 10 ends.

Points - In the absence of a better system, I would use 3 points for a win. We can go with 1 point each for a draw or play an extra end. I am trying to figure out how to credit unplayed matches - treat them as draws at 1 point each?  

Top and bottom two teams in each division relegated or promoted.