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New Version Pool
New Version Pool
New Version Pool
First of all I say Hello and secondly I want to congratulate the developer for the awesome work done, it was necessary mainly from technical point of view because Java browser plugin has die and consequently flyordie was losing users and 8 Ball game that was the main game of site it stopped being for this problem. Now I hope that 8 Ball returns to be the same as before. I say goodbye (k) 
this NEW version that was just initiated is "Terrible !!!" The mouse that controls the pace and speed of each shot is not as responsive to touch as before , resulting in many miscues and short shots !!! What have you done?? Can you go back to the fine control from before or I will stop playing this 8 ball and 9 ball games all together !!! Please FIX this !!!
We managed to tweak mouse handling in the HTML5 version a little bit. Shooting control should be the same as in the Java version before.

Please make sure you clear your browser's cache and restart the game for the update.

Those of you, who are still not happy with the HTML5 version, can revert to the Java version using a Java compatible browser. (See the Curling FAQ for instructions how to switch back to Java)

Great news!
Very well & more thanks!
Can I make one suggestion?
I'm looking for a full-screen mode. My laptop has a screen is only 15 inches. So play is not very convenient.
For example, if you press "F", the pool table will unfold on the full screen. The side panels and the bottom panel will disappear.
Information about goals balls (messages about the score or  chat messages, etc.) can be displayed in a pop-up semi-transparent windows.
Messages send to the chat by pressing "C" button.

May be?
How do you like the idea?
Is this possible?

I just don't understand one think.
I played 2 frame 1 hour ago, with the new version on chrome, and i realy enjoyed this new version !

One hour later, i came back on my computer to play another one, but it's not the same game...

Anable to hit strong, and i'm always too short

Is there any problem now ?

Same problem here, no matter how hard i try to hit the ball in quick snooker it only travels a short distance
exactly the same on my side....no matter if in ff ore chrome...snooker is not playable anymore...every shot is to short and to week...i'm playing for years...so i know exactly what i'm talking about
I also have lost power with the mouse, if I clear my cache, I lose all my saved passwords which I'm not prepared to do.
This is a classic case of if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it
You can switch back to old version at


(select Java)
until we find a solution to the problem.

Thank you.
Clearing the cache won't clear passwords. Just make sure,  only "Cache" is checked when you clear the data.

Also, you can check the version of the game by typing "/version" in the chat (without quotes). It should end with r161223 

I confirm power its fixed by switchin back to Java setting using that link OPERATOR gave. Thumbs up to that (y) and i'm sure you guys will fix HTML soon :)
Don't have the options when clearing cache, it's all or nothing (Tools_Internet Options_Browsing History).
Anyway, up and running using the link and clicking back to Java.
Thanks Operator.  
Hi What's up Happy Xmas

About short shot: 

I had the opportunity to try the first HTML5 release version I don't remember exactly if it was "r161221" or "r161221". Anyway in these versions the mouse handling was very similar as Java version whereby I don't think that is a problem of HTML5. I think that you should reverse the improve done about mouse handling in the last version "r161223".

I'm sure coming soon will be fixed the littles missing details. Regards

Esta vez volveré para ser corona :) 

o que aconteceu, na nova versão, o mouse não tem poder para arremessar a bola com força, só devagar, e perdemos jogadas. já reinstalei Java e não adiantou.
a versão anterior era melhor.
espero que consertem, afinal pago para jogar, tenho direitos...
está muito dificil jogar com esta nova versão do Bola8.
o mouse não tem força para atirar a bola. só vai devagar, e perco jogadas.

Admit it, you've ruined it. Shot power is down 80%. On Explorer 11 there is also a delay, a lag. On Chrome, Firefox and Safari there is no power. You would have to muscle a power shop with superhuman force, resulting in players suffering from RSI in no time. It's just ridiculous how BAD this new 'upgrade' is.

You'e ruined it. How are your participation figures?  I'll answer that. DOWN!
Alsdouble...stop trolling. With the Java switch you can play like you did before. So either you are a competitor or just a time loser.
now it is not unfortunately. Playing under W10, java enabled, firefox browser and the speed...? Is more than lowsy. Impossible to play a decent game.

For those of you who are having problems with shot power:

how do you execute your shot? Do you drag your cue back before the shot, or just move it quickly forward without dragging back?
Now java is just as bad and like Alsdouble, I am using IE version 11, 8 ball is not worth playing anymore, you have to really hit the cue ball into the ball usually resulting in the white ball scratching or the white hardly moves resulting in a foul. I drag the mouse back and I'm not playing any differently than I have for the last 7 years.
How do you execute your shot?: 

if we drag our cue stick back before the shot then we have the short shot problem..

If move it quickly forward without dragging back then have not problem..

But many of us are accustomed drag back the cuestick to have a better control of power.
Does it effect all shots, or only some specific ones, e.g. open break?
it effects all shots in my case (not using a mouse to play but the mousepad. Trying the mouse is even worse)
Cracken, thank you for the explanation.

An update has just been released that should fix the problem.

Make sure, you are running version r161227, clear cache if necessary.

Sure Developer. The topic "short shoot" is over with the fix done in the r161227 version now if someone still has the same problem is for not cleaning browser cache. Regards

In other hands. Many people have only complained and did not help give information to solve the problem but I em glad it is all right now (Y) 
Just asking to be sure, but have u guys restarted your pc after the Java switch? I'm using Firefox and after returning to Java, cleaning the cache and restarting my laptop, everything was back to normal.
There's a little footnote to be added here. Every time you clean your browsers cache (using ccleaner for instance) the game swicthes back to HTML5 if you previousy switched to Java. Is it possible for you programmers to fix that?
And when you think the HTML5 won't have the power shot issues it's displayed so far for many users like myself?
Instead of using such software for a simple cache clear, I would suggest using Firefox itself to clear its own cache, by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+DEL.

Then make sure only "cache" is selected, otherwise it will clear all other things.