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Sometimes you need to report players
Sometimes you need to report players
Sometimes you need to report players
Dear players,

When you sign up for your flyordie account, you agree to play by fair rules. These help keep games fair and fun for everyone.Right ?
Behavior or content that is harmful, offensive, defamatory, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, degrading, intimidating, discriminatory, or otherwise breaks the rules of flyordie. Right?
I noticed that in bullet room this happens everyday, and this players changes the chessroom  in a hateful climat.
Make a list and don't be afraid to report it. Some players in bullet room need to be banned for sure. Because after a demerit point they start over and over again and is not working.
Help to catch the bullies and troubleshooters. They don't belong in our flyordie chess site. Just report and don't start a fight. BLOCK and REPORT. BLOCK and REPORT. In that sequence. Don't forget to make a printscreen, that's your evidence. A lot of them or most of them are little kids, but everything has a limit. 
Thank guys. I hope this is being helpful to get our fun bullet room back again to have some fun and more subscribers.