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No Move for sub
Requests to Developers
No Move for sub
Requests to Developers
No Move for sub
I do move the white myself. Have been playing for more than 10 years on this site. I don't understand why they have not put a No move option on for subscribers ? Surely this would stop so much arguing and slandering in the lobby etc. Perhaps an idea for the operator. 
Hello H3NDR1X ,

This is a very good suggestion.
Yes that would avoid a lot of discussions and leave the chat rooms' clean.
I join your suggestion 
There is an option for "no move" for everyone.
It's called Blackball


Hahahaha What do u talking about? Dont move the white ball ??? It is in the rules lol... i think so stupid when some player say for me im wrong to moving that ! I think it happens only for low rating players who dont know how to play with that rules !!!