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Demerit without cause
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Dear Moderators
Demerit without cause
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Dear Moderators
Demerit without cause
Edited by Schiaparelli

It's not just the moderators or assistant moderators who give demerits. 

FlyOrDie has an automated system that responds to certain words – words that are not allowed. 

If you receive a demerit and really don't know what for, you may contact the moderators. Here is the link - 

The mods will check your chat  ... 

(Something like this happened to me some time ago. It was a typo - that gave me a demerit, which was then removed by a Moderator.)

Kind regards, John
Edited by John Stewart
Edited by Schiaparelli
You don't have a demerit on your "french" account.  Do you mean on another account?
I agree with John. I once asked someone in Turkish if she comes to this site more often to play gameS, apparently it never reached the person I asked, when I had written it 3 times ( because I thought this was a system error, so my text didn't reach the other ) and suddenly I got a black dot just because I asked if a person plays on this site more often. it must be removed from the system by the automatic spelling error.
i have the same problem but no one to help me here :) because of the same problem i lost my dice out of the blue.