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The abuse of capital (capital) writing.
Requests to Developers
The abuse of capital (capital) writing.
Requests to Developers
The abuse of capital (capital) writing.
Dear Administrator , 

Would it be wise and timely to add a rule in the list "conduct, behavior" which is located in the rules (

This rule would be titled like this,
3.19) It will not be tolerated to use a writing in capital letters (uppercase) on the chat rooms. This use disturbs the smooth running in the dialogue of other users by giving a feeling of anger or domination to the actor of this use.
This request is especially proposed to stop the new trend which is used excessively by a minority of nicknames for inappropriate purposes on the chat rooms and for the smooth running of the user-friendliness on the site. It is indeed a situation which currently and disturbing for the good majority of the players respecting the established rules.

Friendly and with devotion "catsgirls"
Chère Cats
Je vous félicite pour cette initiative. 
L´alinéa que vous avez rédigé dans l´optique que les développeurs du site l´intégrentau règlement de la plate-forme de jeux est pertinent.
Les démérits et bans incessants à ce sujet faisaient en effet jusqu´ici jurisprudence. 
En conséquence il y a lieu de penser que les bannissement provisoires que vous avez infligés à  certains joueurs pour " entrave à  la modération " au prétexte qu´ils ont pris la défense de joueurs concernés l´utilisation de Majuscles sur le forum... est obsolète. 
Bien à  vous.
Hello LaGoueillarou,

When you say that these are precedents, you are mistaken. These are common rules of conduct in every chat worldwide and on FlyOrDie as well!

Accidental writing in capital letters does not bring about a punishment. But we ask the player to put down their caps, because writing in uppercase letter is shouting.
And be informed that only moderators, not assistants, can issue temporary banishments. Therefore you can see that the moderation fully supports catsgirl's decisions.

In my humble opinion, it would be wise to please accept the authority of moderators and assistants in the future so that everyone can have an enjoyable time here and no one has to go through this amount of stress. 

First of all, this is an english post, to the developers. Not a discussion. Second of all I read enough of your unjustified accusations. An assistant moderator does not give temporary bans. Only the moderators can do that. You - with all your nicknames, you are really overstepping all boundaries here. you are simply out of line.
Cher Abra Cadabra.
Vos réflexions à  mon égard sont hors sujet. 
Je ne vous permets pas de juger la pertinence de mes propos ni même ma langue maternelle. 
Votre avis personnel et vos allégations sont déplacées et sans fondement. 
Gardez votre plume pour des causes plus nobles et laissez la modération faire son travail. 
Si mes commentaires ou mon comportement vous ennuient, servez vous de votre " baguette magique " pour activer le bouton "Mute".
Évitez aussi de venir me relancer sur le Forum.
Pour ma part, je ne vous connais pas.
Quoi qu´il en soit, vous concernant... je ne souhaite pas m´attarder au delà de l´ignorance. 
Grand bien nous fasse.
Just use mute button when it bothers you aint it?
Catsgirls and I had a very productive discussion on this subject. 

At first, my point of view was a different one. But on the basis of the numerous examples catsgirls gave me, in expressing her thoughts and her views, I fully support the inclusion of this regulation in the "Rules of Use".

Effectivement le Cap lock ne fait pas une belle écriture et en plus ca fait genre la personne 
 qui crie