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My checkers player goes on the backgammon board
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My checkers player goes on the backgammon board
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My checkers player goes on the backgammon board
I play checkers and backgammon on my ipad. Now, all of a sudden when I get on the backgammon game and pick a room I’m in a checkers room. I can’t access the backgammon rooms ? Any ideas ? Ipad just upgraded my ios. Is that the problem ?
Hello ArtMc,

Please make sure you're not running a beta Test version but the official IOS 16.4.1 

You may try the following:

Clear your browser's cache. If you're not sure how to do this, you can Google it. Instructions are available for every browser.

Try logging in with a different browser, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, etc. 

If none of this works, please read the FAQs  

before you contact the technical support   


Kind regards, 