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Bad function
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Bad function
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Bad function
This game has a big server problem! I've lost a lot of games and it's all your fault! I'm very nervous because you guys haven't solved anything 😡🤬
Edited by gawirg
They just said that some mysterious person has been shutting down the servers.
It's been going on for days.
yeah, just renewed my subscription...big mistake
FlyOrDie's servers are among the most reliable ones I’ve encountered in my career as an IT professional. 
But fact is that technology can sometimes fail - everywhere. This can be because of external attacks, or because maintenance/repair has to be done. So please try to be patient and keep in mind that you were just playing a game. There are a lot worse things that could happen to you than getting kicked out of a game.

Maybe can try 1 or 2 stress balls, to squeeze and play with, which reduces stress !
Edited by AL Zamalek
This goes on for days. Now i can not even join the any of the games.

If i try i get: Connection refused. Reason unknown
Hi John189,

Since you were able to play two hours ago, I suppose the matter has been resolved. But if you are still experiencing problems, 
You may try the following:

- Clear your browser's cache. If you're not sure how to do this, you can Google it. Instructions are available for every browser.
- Try logging in with a different browser, such as Google Chrome, Firefox, etc. 
- Re-start your router or cable modem. 

If you are behind a firewall and made some changes recently, 
* configure your firewall to enable port 4989, or ask your system administrator to do that,
* play from another machine, which is in a less restricted environment,
* try practice mode (billiards only), this mode is available from behind a firewall as well.

Kind regards, 

( There were server problems a few days ago, after FlyOrDie were under an "denial-of-access" attack. )