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Would Like To Renew premium subscription for a Year but system wont let me?
Would Like To Renew premium subscription for a Year but system wont let me?
Would Like To Renew premium subscription for a Year but system wont let me?
What am I doing wrong?
Good afternoon CowPatti,
Please contact our technical support via:


Best regards
Howdy C,

I would like to add something to that;
I see lately a lot go wrong here, such as to subscribe here is almost impossible, the black ball (auto black ball system) system is totally off here, it most of times does fine randomly and does demerit ppl for doing nothing wrong and have to contact the moderators each time, and the ppl pretty tired to have to do that each time!
A lot of ppl been with it like 6/7 x with demerit without doing anything wrong and
Same as on chat with oops and fine for saying regular things.
And the server breaks down / falls apart each time lately.
Ppl that not declare program and are with use program sign each time without being prosecuted while it says in the information and rules they will be.
I demand a proper investigation, rite now!
oh ye, yea lol !

Greetings, AL
Szerkesztve AL Zamalek által
Howdy Al Zamalek,

It's not difficult to subscribe here. First your bank helped you to put things straight and after that FlyOrDie gave you support, for which you were very grateful - just a few days ago.   

The demerits given by the AutoMod are being checked by human moderators, each and every time. And if a dem. was unwarranted it will be removed by the moderators. 

Those who do not indicate the use of a program will be sanctioned if there is evidence. You know how and where you can make a report. 

There can be server problems - like everywhere. Technology can fail. There can be attacks from outside! 

In the "Terms of Service" 
  you can read that the "Service is provided on a "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis."   

Kind regards,
John  ✌️
Howdy , John

I contacted the bank and they said its fault of FOD and hat many contacted the bank already about the same issue.
Just kidding didnt even contact the bank, but its solved somehow and yes im very grateful few days ago and still am.
And related to the use program there is rvidence then bc it says then NOT declared in in their info and they with ! of USE PROGRAM and not 1x is seen a few like 100x already without being prosecuted, im  like how much more evidence want have then?
But some things really gotta be updated / upgraded here to keep the population satisfied!
Now u see Cowpatti complaining, a person i never met or seen before  complaining about the same...
And he and i not the only ones here.
Matbe combine it with some Al (artificial intelligence)
And just introduce Ideal and Paypal here and we set.

Greetings, by the best player here, AL
Szerkesztve AL Zamalek által