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Missing VIP
Missing VIP
Missing VIP
Hi, in the recent snooker tournament I finished 5th and as a reward I was supposed to receive 1 day of VIP. I know it’s only a day but I’d still like to have any reward for it. Is there any reason I dont have it or am I being inpatient?
Szerkesztve ᴅᴀᴍᴏ által

I've got exactly the same problem - I tried to contact fod via email a long time ago, but nothing happened so i will try here.

I still did not receive many days of VIP for some tournaments. Usually it's been given the week/max 2 weeks after the tournament, now it's already a month or more (results of the tournaments are "official").

I will make the calculation.

September: Blackball 4.09, 4th place - 2 days; Quick snooker 7.09, 3rd place - 4 days; Snooker 10.09, 4th place - 2 days; 8ball 11.09, 1st place - 10 days; Snooker 14.09, 1st place - 10 days; 8ball 16.09, 1st place - 10 days; Bank pool 18.09, 1st place - 10 days; Snooker 28.09, 1st place - 10 days.

October: Quick snooker 5.10, 1st place - 10 days; 8ball 9.10, 1st place - 10 days; Snooker 12.10, 3rd place - 4 days; Bank pool 16.10, 1st place - 10 days; 8ball 23.10, 1st place - 10 days. 

Seems like the only trophies I'm missing on the profile are quick snooker from 05.10 and 8ball from 09.10 tournaments, but it's still strange if we sum this up: 2+4+2+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+4+10+10=102 which is equal to 3 months - it's 30.10 today and I've got 1 day of VIP left on the profile. 

Quick edit as i've just seen the reply from Dangerous - I difinitely did not have the demerit during the tournaments.

I would be grateful if anyone could check this up. 

Szerkesztve Røbert™ által
Cause they don’t care. I got robbed nearly 10 trophies. I wrote a post about it but no moderator messaged sadly.
Yeah there are some bugs that prevent you from getting rewards. 
If you had a demerit or ban, then that's different. Don't expect FoD to reward bad behavior.
I was demerited for telling someone “I will not play your dumb games”. Wouldn’t call that bad behaviour lol
Hi ᴅᴀᴍᴏ,

Cuz you have a demerit on the date of Official Tournament.

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