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Rotes Ausrufezeichen
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Rotes Ausrufezeichen
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Rotes Ausrufezeichen
Was bedeutet das rote Ausrufezeichen ❗️ hinter Seinen Name ???
das rote Ausrufezeichen bedeutet, dass dieser Spieler/ diese Spielerin ein Programm benutzt. (das ist bei Brettspielen erlaubt, wird aber mit diesem roten Ausrufezeichen kenntlich gemacht)
Freundliche Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende,
what if I do not have a program, never had one, don't know how to get one, and a loser player states I do have a program..amalexa says their testers are accurate and mine tested for program..
some players just say so. It has no importance whatsoever.
Please mute players who are harassing you.
Or if they insult you - report and mute
Edited by John Stewart
Thank you for your reply.  
I do try and overlook some comments , mostly rude comments made by players who are losing at whatever game we are in-  this one just made me angry enough to send a notice to you.