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Wot Happened to Ybpl League??
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Wot Happened to Ybpl League??
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Wot Happened to Ybpl League??
i thought this was the best league along with realpool and upa2 any 1 know wot happneded???
Well to be honest on what happend to the league was that I was kicked from admin there. SO I withdrew and started my own league and all the td's left it and came to td for myleague. Since then there hasnt been really any tournaments and nobody plays there. I did hear though that ybpl will have new admin and td's so i wish it good luck in returning to being one of the best pool leagues. I enjoyed being apart of that league as much as everyone else.
they kicked peachy n evry1 followed her lol

Well peachy lets tell the whole truth now. Yes you did enjoy your time there but that don't all add up why leave a league you like the answer because you got greedy you wanted cow to give you league and when he said no you could not take it and left....So there you go the real truth if you like it or not.
and who r u craig 2 speak? personally i left because of peachy and she only wanted the league because ciw wasnt on enough to really mantain the league so think b4 u speak
Whatever craig its obvious you don't know nothing. I made a voting poll cause i was asked by some of the members to do so. For who they thought should be head admin. Cow saw it and got mad so he removed me from admin. I did get mad cause he removed me without even talking to me first. Thats the only reason i got pist and left it. Thats the truth like it or not!!!! Thank you nash n scotty for backing me up on this topic.
4 words for you craig.....YOU ARE SOOOOOOOO DUMB!!!!
GO PEACHES!!!!!!!!!! yeh craig u dunno wat ur tlkn about who r u anyway, neva even hearda ya 
Though i am not on good terms with you peachy. Wouldn't you be unhappy if sum1 was voting against u about who shud be an admin of a league.As it makes u feel as if ur not doing da job good enuf.If u did ask b4 i'm fine with that and i dn't see no problem.


I am soooooo dumb omg how immature grow up and act your age oh I just remembered you are foolish in real life decisions with your rather bad taste and poor judgment (yes you know what I mean peach). As for the others in this particular topic I say to you take your tong out of peachy's behind! :p
WTF are you talking bout craig????? I dont even know who the fvck you are. Try identifying yourself with another name where we all might know who you really are.
comon den craig who r ya xplain yaself u sure seem to know peachy a bit
craig, shut it, u know nothing at all,
 Peachy i am eith u!!!!;-)
No i would rather not identify myself and as for scotty you would not know me even if you private messaged me just now in 8ball room1. Peachy you know what i mean about your choices i cant tell everyone else what i mean yet i know you peachy sometimes i think i know you better than you do. Dont try no shit with me you other retard peeps who have got nothing better to do than kiss peachy's ass and one more thing i suggest you shut up quickly in these topics or else :d
hmmmmmmmmm hello chris nxt time try coverin soem tracks peachy got soem contacts  chrisbadboyuk@yahoo.com any1 knows who he is reply to this
Craig if i was u id watch wat u say ur the worst admin to ever own a league as far as im concerned.. wpa The league that STEALS other leagues main pg and says wat u gonna do about it. gimmie a break man im suprised u havent changed your name arent u embarrassed? get a life man and worrie about your own issues.AS far as peach goes wen i left ybpl and went back to upa2 cow gave up she kept ybpl alive a top league!she deserved the league cow was never on and he knows he should have gave it to her but its to late! shes moved on and made her own league just as good as ybpl was!As far as im concerned peach is 1 of the best hd admins in FLYORDIE and i will support her league to the end...keep up the good work peach we love ya!(k)
Thank you leaf I love ya too. (L)(K) It means alot hearing from you to say that you think im one of the best hd admin of flyordie. I'll try to keep it up. 
Well don't let it go to your head Peachysweet ;)