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WHY PAY??????
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WHY PAY??????
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WHY PAY??????
why have ppl been given FREE ratins when that was the reason why i subscribe?  WHERES THE FAIRNESS IN THAT FOD????????
I'm fairly making my mistakes today...

Subscritions have their major advantages and there's no need to list them. For a measly, £0.88 a month, you get a good deal. 

£0.88 a month... what is that really? Two bars of chocolate and a flump? A 500ml of Coca-Cola and a small Taz bar. I'm sure you could pick up 88p in coppers in your town center.

It's a little embarrassing to do, I know but it sure is worth it.
The biggest bonus for me is the freedom to 'float' between the rooms with no waiting for them to become less crowded. oh, and also , the the wee shiny star :p hehe. 

subscription is good if u got a bad record like me .. if u not subbed and get banned u have a 98% chance of gettin perm bann;) if u sub u gotta get banned a lot to get perm banned othawise it only temporary:p
Here's the deal 

FlyOrDie will remove your ranking, meaning you really 
 getting something different from the non-subscribers.

Can't say fairer than that can you?
Splyff, like Snipe said you dont just pay that good money for ratings. And if you do well tough luck. Flyordie is a business and it needs some popularity to get people to pay them money. Read Snipe's post for all your other options. So it is very fair. So in conclusion I'm saying if everyone subscribed for ratings thats all you would get for subscribing.

If you subscribe just for the rating well you caught a bad break. 

At Christmas FOD gave us all free ratings and in doing so its popularity has gone through the roof. Not only is 8ball room 1 full so are 2 and 3.

Ratings are not the only things subscribers get. Remember you are also paying for ad-less games, room to room acess even if its over the 120 limit, And the Do Not Disturb button. Plus the downloaded version of all the games of course.

Splyff ratings are just used to boost peoples self esteem. You dont have a rating in life and you still enjoy living, or at least I do.