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Not sure whats happenin but there seems to be alot of this happenin not just myself but by the looks of it many more people..And having lost 9 games and no end of hard earned points i am a bit p***ed can something be done or is it time to find a new game empire.?
What hard work? It's a computer game, all you have done is sat on you 'aris and moved a mouse. If you don't like the service offered to you go and find yourself another game empire. In fact, if you even think another is better then why are you still here anyway?
Cheers Beppe..You might be gifted at this game but ive played many nights for many weeks to get my score up and when i see my points go due to no fault of my own i think im entitled to have a moan..If you have no usefull comments keep your nose out.!

Or is your soul aim of this forum just to make a complete arse of yourself.?
It's just a game, chill out and don't take it so seriously mate. Lol, me gifted? That probably cheered many people up, because I am useless.
sorry about the out burst i have no problem with your or the game really..But if i dont take my frustration out some where my pc would be on the floor.............!