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how  long does it take to recieve WINNINGS from a system tourney? it's been almost 2 months since i WON the 9 Ball (Scheduled) tourney.......EXPLAIN PLZ..
By winnings you mean...? VIP status?

If you didn't get that i believe it means you have received a demerit or ban in the past which does not allow you to receive VIP.
and still  "NOTHING".... hmmm
never been demerited nor banned
I'm not sure whether it's just subscribers who receive the VIP yellow star.

Someone else know?
Ok what do you consider the winnings to be?
what every 1st place winner gets
You only get a little yellow star that when you put the cursor on says, VIP. You probably missed seeing it.
lol, ur funny...i play all the time.. NO yellow star, nor 1 months subscr.
Then email FOD and ask them to verify what happened.


You might get a reply, you might not.
You pay for a sub,you win a tourny,you get no star for having a demerit at some stage,at least díck turpin had the clever idea to wear a mask,seem's flyordie forgot there's.
historical fact : turpin never wore a mask, it was one of his trademarks that he showed he wasnt afraid so he didnt bother.
Players who have received bans or demerits on 
 of their names are not entitled to VIP status