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unrated room for snooker lite etc
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unrated room for snooker lite etc
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unrated room for snooker lite etc
and that would make for fast games i think;;;and good practice;;;;;leave u name if u want it
Why do people always create these petitions, knowing it wont change anything?
Because the OPERATOR supposedly looks at the forum and takes consideration into what is said.
Well certain people have assured me that he does, in the end who knows, i can't be sur, you can't be sure, I mean although i've been told he does i do have my own doubts...
the only ppl who look in here are the mods and they cant make the games better ,as  for the owner he most prob on the beach with all our money 
well i was just trying to see if there is any interest in  a unrated room for lite ..i thought it would be good practice..waka waka and all that