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If you don't know TUCSONCARL lives with me and i just wanted to kill some nasty rumors about TUCSONCARL. The reason he has not been on is because he is in the hospital. Carl has had uncontrollable seizures and is very bad shape. The seizures caused some problems with his brain. He has a hard time walking , talking, and forgets things. The doctors are trying everything they can for him, but so far nothing has helped. Any news i receive i will pass along. Thank you and i hope this clears up those rumors.
Tell him I wish him good luck in his recovery process...I and I know others will hope for the best in this situation, hopefully all goes well for CARL and hope too see him back sometime soon
CARL is also a friend of mine and a very nice person and I also wish him a speedy recovery

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Our blessings go out to  CARL for a speedy  recovery. Your in our  prayers m8,from  angel and myself

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Good luck Carl, hope you're well again soon.
Wish you only the best Carl.  Hope you have a good recovery and can be back with us soon.
Best wishes go out to you Carl, from myself and I'm sure from all of FlyOrDie.

Carl is one of the nicest blokes on the FlyOrDie circuit. I wish him well and hope to see him kicking some butt at the tables soon!

Sending you my best wishes for a speedy recovery Carl, you're missed here on Fly Or Die.

Kite  (Jo)
Hope you get yourself sorted soon Carl. good luck on your road to recovery.
any update on his progress?  Just wondering how he is doing thus far...thanks for any information :)
Carl has had my prayers from the first.
His situation was noted so that all the players who like Carl could know at once what was going on and it will continue to be posted here if anything new arrises.
What he has gone through could take a while to heal from.  
I would like to take this time to thank all of you who are praying for his recovery. He is a special person and would do the same for all the players in need. I hope they continue for they are the healing power he needs.
God bless all.

Sorry to hear this, I hope he gets better soon, I'm sure he will, if he battles half as hard as he does when he beats me :D

All the best, Dave
update on Carl. CArl has taken a turn for the worse, he went into a coma and is on life support. when i find out more i will post asap  thank you all for your support of Carl
МдĐΜﻉĐỉζ , you will need to watch that you dont become too poorly aswell.

You will need some rest ,try to take it.

Hope everything works out for you 2.

God Bless. 


Sorry to hear the bad news, hope you recover soon Carl and all goes well. Thoughts also go to Madmedic hoping you are coping ok.
Keep us informed as there are many of us who have respect for Carl. No one wishes this kind of thing on anybody, especially not someone sensible and decent like Carl has shown himself to be. Wishing you all the best Carl...
This is a time for those who consider Carl a friend to get down on those knees and pray hard for him, forgoing all their other problems.
Pray as if he was part of your family.  Show your support and list your prayers here for him to see when he is healed.

Heavenly Father

Lay you hands upon Carl; he's a great friend to many here and is wanted back soon.
Since you are the Master Physian Lord, it's  all in your hands now.
But Lord know we here in this life want him to stay with us. He is loved dearly.
Let him awaken to life as it should be.  Bring him back to us.
In your name I pray.

I hope others will seriously and whole heartedly follow suit with prayers for him.
God bless all.

Yes Beppe, i suppose this quite ain't the place to state that in this topic.
I said a quiet prayer before i went to bed last night hoping the almighty God will save him.
Mr brit something or other this isn't a topic about you its about carl. 

I hope to god he gets better don't like to hear of these things happening. 
Carl ,my prayers are with you as they have been all along. Your family and loved ones are in my prayers as well....

Heavenly Father
We come into Your presence to love and adore You. 
Thank You for Your love and Your desire for union with us. 
We welcome all that You wish to do through 
this healing prayer. We open ourselves to communication
with You and Jesus through the ministry of the Holy 
Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, anoint us with healing so 
deep it reaches back into our blood line; with
healing so wide it impacts our friends and relatives; 
with healing so high it draws us into Your holiness. 
Holy Spirit, come with Your fire. 
Our Father Which Art In Heaven—

Please keep us updated on Carls progress and I offer u ,Madmedic, many thanks for your taking the time,out of your love for Carl, to stay in touch and let us know.God Bless You    

All the best carl mate, don't really know ya but wouldn't wish something like that on my worst enemy, nevermind someone who seems to be as kind as alot of FOD say. Get well soon 
Thank you all for your support and prayers for Carl, i know he would appreciate them all. No news on him as of yet, still in a coma and on life support. I will update you all when I hear something more. Thank you all again

Haven't played for yonks but always remembered Carl from playing tourneys, a great person to have in the lobby.

Very sad news, I wish him all the best.

It would be nice if we could drop him a card or send flowers...where is he and we can do that :)

Takin Names
We started this to give tribute and get wells and you can send flowers this way too, will mean a lot to him I'm sure.
Also leave one for MadMedic, who is his roommate.


Just do this [ img=   description   ]all together
Dearest Lord, Please be with Carl at this very moment.  He is a dear and loving friend.  Lay your hands upon his head and awaken him and bring him back to us as he was before.  Lord you have healed people of cancers and many other terminal diseases, please make carl one of them, please bring him back to  us.  With our loving hearts we pray this prayer.  Amen
Ewannie ty, your prayer was wonderful Carl was a friend to many, just wish more knew so they could use this as away to pray together for him.
God bless you.
Carl will always be in my heart and not a day will pass that he will be missed terribly
Terrible to hear this...He was a very nice guy and one I enjoyed playing from time to time, he will be sorely missed by all who were graced with meeting him...sad news indeed very sorry for the loss MadMedic...take care of yourself bud
God Rest You Carl...  I'll miss your friendly laugh and frequent smiles... as I'm sure many on FlyOrDie will.

May Your Soul find Peace in the Heavens.

Lost for words, dont what to say, and probally cant say enough about you CARL, i most deffinately had some good crazy funny times and moments with you man, lovely/wonderfull cheerfull warmth at heart guy, a true friend, most deffinately would be missed by me and many others or if not all. Hope you do find peace up there my man/brother.
Peace be upon you CARL, thank you for everything...
srry to hear about Tucsoncarl i send my deepest regard's to his family
A man that will be sorely missed.  A very sad loss for all those close to Carl. Our hearts and thoughts are with you.

man, this site wont be the same anymore:( we all will miss and think about carl as long we play pool and every game i play 4 now on is 4 carl
I will say prayers for you and yours Andy.  He was a great friend to many and will live on through our memories.

R.I.P CARL was very good mod and very sound will be missed :(
Forever in my heart he touched my soul and heart.  he was a great and rare man who was real to the people he came in contact with.  He was a great friend guided at times onto a wrong path but at each footstep he took he made an impression on everyone.  With tears to you my friend from my heart...God bless your soul and rest your heart.

you are forever in my heart for life my friend .  my god rest your heart and soul into happiness as rightfully deserved.

Translated into italian from my heart.

Lei è per sempre nel mio cuore per la vita il mio amico. il mio dio riposa il suo cuore e la sua anima nella felicità legittimamente hanno meritato come.

May god rest your soul my sweetheart you were a true man among who needed to be like u.  I love u Carl....Rest in peace forever in my mind you will be.
I met Carl about 3 yrs ago on here and fell inlove with his gentleness and kindness and friendship, when i met Carl I was known as ..Talented..( music notes on either side)he and I found a common ground= Seizures, I also have them, not a good thing to have as a common thing but I could relate to him and knew what he went through. he will be missed, with all my sympathy and love. may god bless his family and all his dear friends. 

Love Natalie
I don't know Tucsoncarl,but I am sorry to hear that he passed away.Just be strong and this is life.
Very sad to hear this, may he rest in peace. Its a sober reminder of how fragile life is and how you should live it to the full....

My commiserations to his family, friends and everyone that knew him on this site.
R.I.P Carl mate, you were one of the bestmods on the site, you'll be sorely missed :|

A man who will be so sorely missed by all of FoD, I spoke to Carl sometimes in the 9 Ball lobby and also played against him a couple times, he truly was a top bloke!

RIP Carl
sorry for your loss,,never knew carl much, just exchanged the pleasantries when we came across each other.

r.i.p m8.........
I never really knew carl

But my thoughts and prayers go out to you all in your time of need,

I know what its like to lose a best friend and no words can ever bring them back

so R I P Carl, you'll be truelly missed on Fly or Die

All our Prayers are with Madmedics and Carls Family
from me and my family

R.I.P Carl, you will be sorely missed m8.

I knew Carl from when I 1st joined FOD and he was always a great guy and a good laugh.
Thanks for the info Mad.
all the best wishes go out to carl and his family.we will miss u and it was a pleasure to know u and played in the league. all prayers will be said ty colelizard.
Didn't know Carl an awful lot, the only memory i had personally with him was a night I talked to him for about 5 hours.. all through the night.

Top bloke, top entertainer, and the daddy moderator

You'll me missed Carl

It would be really nice if we could see an obituary posted on here...or a link to it.  Just something to think about.
Im working on it now. I have his pic posted in the memorial to him. Just click the dragon that is now black in his honor and it will take u directly to the link.
Fod did this to honor Carl.