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dissapearing threads
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dissapearing threads
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dissapearing threads
anyone know why my threads keep vanishing?
Most likely because they had "vulgar" language, even though it was informed rather than insulting. Some of us got to see what you were saying though ;)
What i meant is the topic you created about swear words, you avoided the filter on some occasions although you didnt aim it at anyone and it was an informative post.

(i hope your the right person im thinking of :p lol)
$ex!! i said that word, what a crime!
I know  ;) It wasn't insulting to anyone, you was just bringing up an interesting point, but mods have to follow rules too i guess and delete it.

It's happened now anyway, not much you can do ;)
Chances are if you can't type it...u ought not be sayin it ;)
so i can sit here and say crap crap crap knob etc and nothing can happen BECAUSE I can type it without it being banned?

To be honest the reproduction word begining with S is hardly anything major, we learn it in England in certain lessons in year 6 (11 years old) :| 
A lot of actually fun threads vanish unexpectedly on here, and a few informative ones.  I understand getting rid of a thread that has curses in it or is using a way around to get them in it (that would be why your threads vanished) however the mods have began deleting threads that have no offensive material in them.

Even a thread that asked WHY threads were being deleted was removed. 

The Irony :D
He probably meant really...as rly seems to be the shorthand of typing really.
Well if the $ex word is considered a "naughty" or "bad" word, then this place but be run by 10 year olds.
No, not run by "10 year olds" but young children play here all the time.  
lol Chris...why must you argue all the time.
it is illegal children under 13 to be registered as the site is taking their information, which is against the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998

they can be guests as they are not giving information, but also can't talk

so why is the site filtering words which shouldn't be said by people under 13?

i think the person whom ever made all these filters must be very religious, virgin and vists church everyday etc
if a nun made them, it would be understandable
>lol Chris...why must you argue all the time.
 lol i wasn't arguing with you :D

Most children over the age of 10 know the s word, i'm sure most of them use words more vulgar than that too :D