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Go Size board
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Go Size board
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Go Size board
Why the size board isn't 19x19 here, it may probably attrack more people, and it's the traditionnal size.
Are ppl retarded?  Set your size to 19, done.
I agree with most of the views below that we should play on the 19x19 size board as the default.I think the 15x15 is ok for beginners but give them the option of reducing it. Is there a technical problem with everyone playing on a larger board? would the server crash?
the board is too small. unacceptable. if i had a life then i wouldn't play simply because of this. but i have no choice. i have to play on a ridiculously small board. 19x19 would enhance my life.
agreed its absolutely rediculous that the board isn't 19x19. what ever next a chess board with 49 squares!!!!
I think that having the option for different board sizes is very impotant; especially the sizes: 9X9 , 13X13 , and 19X19.  I know that I would play here more often if this feature was implemented.  It is VERY important to most Go players that the board size and stone colors are traditional.  Go is a very old game that is tied to numerous traditions, Go players respect this and often strive to play the game in its most correct format.
I agree with the above posts!  Players should have the option to play on a 9X9 ; 13X13 ; or 19X19.  I know that I would play here more often if the option was given.
Agreed. A 19x19 would be most appreciated. I think other choice sizes (15, 13, 9) would be great too.
yes, please please give us a full size 19x19 board for go
I think perhaps that there are a lot more noob Go players on this site than other places... it's really intimidating trying to learn on a full board; that and the pace people play at might make the smaller board size a good idea. 

The option should be easy enough to implement, though...

 I wasn't aware that there are some size requirements?!
a 19x19 board size probably wouldnt fit the size requirements

 I just played a couple of games of GO on this site, and I was also confused about the board size. The official GO board size is 19x19 lines (though beginners sometimes play on smaller boards, mainly: 9x9 and 13x13). Only game that I know that is played on 15x15 board is Pente.

 Can't the Administrators do something about this?

I agree. Why is the board 15x15 as opposed to the traditional 19x19?