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8-ball glitch
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8-ball glitch
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8-ball glitch
I have noticed a serious flaw in 8-ball.  After a shot, the balls will stop moving, then in an instant they will change locations.  This may happen to one or two balls, or all of them may move to totally different positions.  I have sunk a ball and heard it drop only to have it reappear on the table for no reason.  This morning my opponent broke the rack and before the balls stopped moving the rack completely reformed and changed to my turn.  I have asked many players about these glitches and many have confirmed that they occur in their 8-ball games also, yet I find no discussion in the forum.  I am also surprised there is no discussion of the very common general slowdowns (slow appearance of stick for next shot) and jittery movement.  I am a paying customer.

Chris Duffy
Carbondale, IL
This has been mentioned lots on the forum ;) The reason why it possibly isn't being discussed now is that it's been mentioned so many times and nothing has been done (if it can be fixed).

If my memory serves me right the reason someone gave for this glitch was something to do with conflicts between what you see and what your opponent sees (causing the server to glitch with the position of the balls).

As I said I'm sure people like OP know about it as it has been mentioned a lot so we have to wait and see... :)
its happened to me before, i think that would be a good suggestion to fix, then again it may be my server. anyways it doesnt really bother me it usually makes barely any difference to me
Thanks for your responses.  I am new to the forum but could not find any references to this effect in the several pages I searched.  It is good to know that others have reported seeing these oddities and it likely isn't due to little pieces of paper that I ate in the 1970s.
Yes, this happens all the time to me, and I believe Chris is right when he says it's some sort of a conflict between what the two players are using. It seems most common when using web version against a player using the PC download - or vice versa.