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Best of the best?
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Best of the best?
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Best of the best?
Hello there,

I'm thinking about organising a Best Of The Best tournament to decide who really is the best here (not a tourny for kids like the other one has proved to be). I doubt this idea will get any further than this, but if any of you are interested, stick your name down here or email me at listerthelegend@hotmail.com with details of who you are. Oh and no point trying to get yourself in with multiple accounts as this will be an invite only tourny so only the best players will play - better competition! My idea is that we have 32 players with a group stage followed by a knock-out stage, and the game will be 8-Ball as it's the most popular! :)

So yeah, anyone interested?

>If there were ne prize score would not be the same :@ 

lolololololol I hope your joking, you got sat.
Well first off, a big thanks to everyone who took part in this, it went a lot better than I ever imagined it would and you lot certainly made my job of running this tourny much easier than it could have been.

Congrats to Jay for a great victory, and well played Damien for being runner-up.

Now as far as prizes are concerned I was originally planning to give prizes but then thought there would be no point as the winner could have bragging rights, which is good enough. :p However if I get a decent paycheck on my next pay-day I'll have a rethink...

Maybe something like this could happen again, maybe next year, I'll pass over to someone else for now though :D

Thanks again everyone,
Martin :)
If there were ne prize score would not be the same :@ 
Wd Jay 
Ty martin for this tourney , i love u, u know kiss kiss 

           Damien  :)
I beat Damien in the final 18-8 gg's Damien

Thanks for the tourny Martin was great ;)

Well Played everyone.


Btw any prise or what? :o
Ok Devrim thanks for playing...

Finally the final, Jay v Damien rt18 gl both.
Oh I had forgot about the tourney, I haven't played for a while and don't really want to come back as I get stuck/obssessed to it the minute i open snooker or 8 ball ;\

So this means I wont play so good lucky Damien and Jay in the final, it was a nice tourney Martin well done bringing good players to it.. //Dev
Ok , Devrime when yu redy find me in pro , 9 or light . 
1 week waiting now :( snif snif. Jay iz waiting to get skooled hurri :P
Well done Jay, you play the winner of Damien and Devrim in the final.

Damien and Devrim is rt15, gl.

And if the two losing semi-finalists would be up for it, you can play a 3rd place playoff if you want - optional! :p

Thanks Martin
Yeh i beat Chris 15-12 lol just about he did get unlucky towards to then but all in all it was a very competitive match even tho we both didnt play to the standard we would have liked to im sure. 

But thanks rdc for giving me my toughest games of the tourny so far

Jay :p
Damien, I have been looking for you - drop a message here to let me know when we can play!
Well me n jay have played

and Jay won 15-12...unfortunately pot the white in that last game cudve been different if i put more backspin haha

ow well gr8 games and vwp jay gl in final

oh and cheers for a very well run torny martin good job

wp all

Respect da champ
Semi Finals Chris v Jay race to 15 gl

And just a reminder of the other quarter final still to be played, Ray v Damien race to 13, with the winner to play Devrim in a rt15. 

Thanks Martin :)
Chris beat me 13-11 i came bak from 5-11 to 11-12  and then choked:(, but anyways ggs wp:p now win the tourney:D
Quarter Finals Chris v Kris rt13 gl
Chris beat me 13-11, i came bak from like 5-11 to 11-12, then choked, then he made gd clear:p, so oh well ggs man, and win tourney now:>
Well as Martin said that by Sunday if me and ryan's games were not played I would go through because of more activity

and as a result me and Kris played our match

which ended


so tight...a great comeback here

Ops sry:D,i thought it was rt13.Keep up the good work mate

And Ray gl in the rest.
Im not sure, but doesn't matter anyway.

And np Nando, thanks for playing :)
Lol good games Nando and Ray, even though it only should've been race to 11 in the last 16 :p

Quarter Finals, Ray v Damien race to 13 gl
was it 10? Thought it was 11, o well... I'll blame it on the drink:p
Was some good games there Nando wp...

Damien, I can't wait until you smash me in :)!

Ray 13 - 11 Nando

ray 13 - 10 nando, good games.

tyft martin.
Nish im Jay aka...

Wicked Cue
Big Boi Tank

Those 2 are my most common ;)
Just for the record, ive been on most evenings this week and was unable to spot Nando online. I'm quite eager to get these games played, so if anyone spots him before I do, let him know I was after him!:)

K this is going on too long.

Deadline for last 16 games is this Sunday, still to play is Chris v Ryan and Ray v Nando.

Deadline for last 8 games will be the following Sunday. Come on, I just wanna get this over with lol.
I might come back boys u never know :p!

Scotty...sort urself out son you'll never beat me even if i was blindfolded, u'd dc! hahaha!

Jay vs martin i dno who u are mate lol
Ahhhhh Nish long time no see . Back in the day when you was around it made fod more of a challenge for me and alot of other players, im IP banned now rofl but oh well... id love to play you again sometime.

Gl People left in tourny get your gamesss played :p
Alrite Nish :D you should come back m8 so i can whoop ya in pro like old times eh :p
Minor kiddo no worries ;)!

I'm guessing jay's seen as 1 of the best these days? not to worry, I'm gonna sort out my computer soon and i might start playing again, see if we can show these kids how its done :p.

Gd luck to whoever's playing in this tournament anyways!

Nish :p

You weren't not invited, but I heard you had lost your internet connection!

You were just a bit too late or you obviously would've been in :p!

That's two quarter-final's games been played, but now that Devrim and Jay are through they've got to wait on the 2 remaining last 16 games, plus the other two quarter-final's! Come on guys who haven't played last 16, don't leave this hanging too long :p!
Lost 13-11 to Devrim... good games man altho the quality disappeared for both of us towards the end :p
Wow this were some quality frames and some were less quality especially at then we played quite badly both of us, but at the end it finished 13-11 to me, wp and ggs m8

Devrim (Me) 13-11 Nick
To reply to the guy who said he saw nish in 8ball in september or whenever it was, that wasnt me so stop making names of me u sad people.

Out of curiousity, who won this best of best tournament? 

And why wasnt i invited :p?
Well its "half time" and the score is Devrim 7-7 Nick.. The frames can't get any better both have done some amazing clears :p
Chris wen u guna be on mate lets get are games played i aint played for over week so shud b easy for u pal let us no
Just played Jay and despite me taking a 4-1 lead he came charging back and eventually won 13-6, really disappointed with myself but nevermind, ggs Jay wp gl rest. ;)
Although there are still 2 games left to play in the last 16, I'm putting up the draw for the quarter finals now. Those who haven't played their last 16 game yet, please try to get it played as soon as possible.

Quarter final is race to 13 -

Christian or Ryan v Kris
Jay v Martin
Devrim v Nick
Ray or Nando v Damien
Eric Abidal 11-8 Rise

gg's m8 was some quite good frames though me and you never actually impressed in any frames.. wp anyway!
Sorry Nando, ive was ill all last week - hate having the flu :p I hope we can get the games played soon, I will be here most evenings this week and some parts in the weekend.

Lost to Devrim 11-8 ggs mate thanks:) gl in rest of tourney everyone.
yeah quality games martin :) cheers 4 the tourney man gl all ;)
I lost to Jay 11-7 i think it finished, did well considerin i went 6-1 down lol, 

Cheers for tourny Martin your a star ! :p

Just played Steve (King of Pool) and it finished 11-10 in my favour - I honestly have no clue how I managed it! Well played mate, cheers for the great games!
first of all, great games nick :p lost 11-10, and wp, fort from start it wud go all the way and it did! just a shame i didnt finish on top :p make sure u go all the way:)
cheers for torni martin, gl 2 the rest of ya :p may the best win :D
Beat Rich 11-10!

Absolute quality games, as close as it deserved to be.

Bring on the next :p
Ray,I will be online this weekend.Math analysis test on friday...whata luck:(
i beat daniel 11-5 , ggs man:p

Just realised a diff Steve in it.. nevermind! lol
I dont think im the Steve you are referring to that plays you Marty? If I am give me a shout... and ill be happy to be Rocket's replacement!

Woah I got through? How did that happen! Oh well I'm not one to complain. I'm back at uni now so I'll get in touch with you on msn Dev.
Last 16 is as follows:

Seedings are in brackets

Christian (1) v (16) Ryan
Kris (8) v (9) Daniel
Jay (4) v (13) Scotty
Steve (5) v (12) Martin
Devrim (2) v (15) Scott (Hara)
Rich (7) v (10) Nick
Ray (3) v (14) Nando
Damien (6) v (11) Ric

This round is race to 11!
Ok Martin.....

Then withdraw me from the tourny please!

ty Matt
Sorry guys for not getting in touch sooner. My older days are slighty more busy than my younger ones. Broke my toe and have had ALOT of work to do for university.

will the final group tabls b shown also? :p

About this rule you want added, my thoughts are exactly what Ray said - it is an online game, not the real thing! It's not a foul on FOD, so I don't know why it should be a foul in this tourny. At the end of the day this is only for fun!

Next round draw will be up tomorrow, if you haven't completed your games then sorry! :)
Hey Marty

Sorry I havnt been about at all much.. only realised this tourney had begun couple of days ago. Thanks for the invite anyway. To each their own too huh lol.

Didn't mean to post that ^ :|

Why did they approve it ?:|
> Hello there,
> I'm thinking about organising a Best Of The Best
> tournament to decide who really is the best here (not
> a tourny for kids like the other one has proved to
> be). I doubt this idea will get any further than
> this, but if any of you are interested, stick your
> name down here or email me at
> listerthelegend@hotmail.com with details of who you
> are. Oh and no point trying to get yourself in with
> multiple accounts as this will be an invite only
> tourny so only the best players will play - better
> competition! My idea is that we have 32 players with
> a group stage followed by a knock-out stage, and the
> game will be 8-Ball as it's the most popular! :)
> So yeah, anyone interested?
> (lol)

Next time we do something like this I think it should just be straight knockout all the way.

It's a bit hard trying to organise groups of 6 into playing all their games - but if a game isn't played in a kockout tournament it won't hold up as much of the tournament, and it can be pointed out more quickly.

That's what I think anyway :|... anyone else?
Rofl, maybe:p I'm just pleased to be through to the next round, and am looking forward to a thrashing from someone else :D!
ggs mate :p wp
if ya dint drink wuda been 9-1 u :(?
ggs ty rich wp mate - 9-8 to Rich - 

Was a bit off form as I was drinking at the time:p hehe!

@Matt - It's an internet game - not the real thing. If you dont like it, then leave mate. If you wanna continue to participate, then great.




I'm talking about the push shot!

Against a few players now, i have seen that when they have the ball in hand, they place the white ball touching with the ball they want to play! This is a push shot, and is an illigal shot!

For an example for people who dont understand what a push shot is...... when two balls are touching each other, say the black and white, if a player tries to hit the white into the black, its a foul shot because all three things are in contact at the same time, the cue tip, the white and the black!

Don't get me wrong, i dont find nothing wrong with it, when it is in normal play! but alot of people are playing it with the ball in hand, which i think is a joke! so with ball in hand, this shot should be made a forfit of that leg!

Like i said before, if this rule isn't implimented into the tourny, i no longer want to participate in it!

ty Matt

As theres pretty much no chance of me going through what with my terrible perfomance theres not much point writing this but I shall be going away from today till wednesday so if by some miracle I was through on that 4th place thing I won't be able to play till then.

(Pretty possitive I won't be through anyway what with the smashing I took from Ray but thought I'd better say)
Euan where are u m8? can ya reply n tell me what times u can play cheers. :)
probs my fault 2 lol
i aint been on much either, i'l b on quite a bit 2day, and this evenin, 2moro evening, and sunday evenin, so pretty much evry evenin, but usually i just go in rm1 n check 4 ppl in my group, if none r there i usually log out lol, my bad
Steve 9-8 Nick

Great games mate. So close... why did you have to come back from 5-1 down :(

Haha well played mate ggs :p
Apologies from me Martin. It's probably my fault that I havent played the games with Rich. Ive been working every hour god sends - which leaves me with little time to be here. Been on here late evenings and unfortunately unable to see Rich around. Sorry again, as I know you need these games played asap!

Kindest Regards,

P.S. Rich, could you let me know what times you may be on, so I can do my best to be here :)!
Martin, there needs to be a new rule added to this tourny!

The rule of no playing a touching ball when having the ball in hand! (this just got extremely abused in a couple of my games with nick) This is a foul in its own right! classed as a push shot or double hit!

since i do not play this type of shot ever, im sure every one else in the tourny can play without playing an illigal shot!

if you are not going to add this rule into this tourny, i officely withdraw myself from it! i refused to play in a tournament when every one is just going to abuse an illigal shot!

ty Matt
Me 5-2 Matt at the mo, he had to go so we're carrying on at a later date/time
>Martin v Daniel
Which reminds me, if anyone bumps into Daniel (PhuzKaz) please tell him to add me to MSN (martin_lister@hotmail.co.uk) so we can arrange a time to play! I'll keep an eye out for him too while I'm on.

I can play tomorrow until 4pm (UK time) and most of the day on Friday before spending most of Saturday and Sunday down in Leeds!
Okay, I've decided that the final deadline 
 be Sunday (was going to say Friday but I won't be on all weekend!), and there will be no extension after that with the last 16 getting underway on Monday!

This is getting a bit frustrating now lol, so anyone who hasn't played all their games please get them played, or if you no longer want to play please tell me ASAP so at least I know your intentions! Either say here, or send me an email at martin_lister@hotmail.co.uk

Games left are as follows - 

Matt v Nick
Steve v Nick
Steve v Euan
Ben v Nick
Ben v Euan
Nando v Nick
Nando v Euan
Nick v Euan

Stef v Enigma
Stef v Ric
Stef v Fret
Ric v Enigma

Martin v Daniel
Daniel v Lee

Ray v Rich
Cent v Joe
Cent v Mossy
Joe 3-6 Rich (to be finished)
Joe v Mossy
Rich v Mossy
Sorry guys, I broke my toe recently so I've so done a lot of lazing about, and I was too lazy to pick up my laptop also.

Should be on here between 1 and 5 tomorrow and maybe tomorrow night if anyone in my group wants to hammer me.

Ciao ladies.
Im on this evening, so Ill keep eye out for you.
ray... sharky....mossy, wen is it convenient 4 u to play?

>I don't know the nicks of anyone in my group
Ben = Playstation3. / Skilled Cue
Nando = Potting Machine
Steve = The Stone Roses
Euan = Chookes, dunno if he's been on lately though!

Hope that helps you.
was winning sharky 7-3, and then he decided to forefit.

gg's ty wp
Well I lost 9-8 to Sharky so I guess thats me out now:(
Apart from Matt I don't know the nicks of anyone in my group lol, or their MSNs... so if anyone could tell me one or the other that'd be helpful thanks :D

Nick, Group 1 :p
cheers scott, i'll try n catch sharky1 then, i gota finish my games with him, also gota play ray and mossy
Yea ggs Eric bit unlucky for first few games but i got goin after a while and you deserved the win mate Wp (Y)
Eric Abidal 9-4 (I Think) Scotty

ggs m8 was fun though u were alot ul :(
Sharky has just been on but I couldn't play him now because I'm at home and unlike my university connection the connetion here is too laggy to play unsubbed. I have arranged to play him around 7pm UK time tomorow so if anyone else needs to play him you can prob catch him on around then.

Let me know when is best for yourselves to play, until then I will keep an eye out for you guys.
If anyone who knows joe and mossy from my group can u tell em im on all nite tonite shud be in room1 or unrated.


Eric ill be on sunday most of day if your on mate :p
Ok, we've been running for a week or more now and a lot of games have been played. However we're now getting held up by players who still haven't played their games. Please get them played as soon as possible.

I've set a deadline of night time on Tuesday to get them all played. Anyone who hasn't attempted to get their games played by this time will automatically lose their games.

I won't be on tomorrow, back on Sunday! :p
Cheers for the tournament Martin sorry about my getting stressed and giving up 3 times :|? Been a stressful week but was fun games :D
At the time of writing this is the updated tables. Check to make sure the results here are correct too, thanks.

Group 1

Matt 9-4 Nando
Matt 9-4 Ben
Matt 9-0 Euan
Matt 9-7 Steve
Nando 9-6 Ben
Steve 9-6 Nando

Player	Played	Won	Lost	Frames Won	Frames Lost	Difference	Points
Matt	4	4	0	36	15	21	8
Steve	2	1	1	16	15	1	2
Nando	3	1	2	19	24	-5	2
Ben	2	0	2	10	18	-8	0
Euan	1	0	1	0	9	-9	0
Nick	0	0	0	0	0	0	0

Matches Remaining:
Matt v Nick
Steve v Ben
Steve v Euan
Steve v Nick
Nando v Euan
Nando v Nick
Ben v Euan
Ben v Nick
Euan v Nick

Group 2

Damien 9-7 Jay
Damien 9-3 Fret
Damien 9-3 Enigma Lncb
Stef 9-5 Damien
Damien 9-5 Ric
Jay 9-2 Fret
Jay 9-6 Enigma
Jay 9-6 Stef
Jay 9-5 Ric
Fret 9-8 Enigma
Ric 9-7 Fret

Jay	5	4	1	43	28	15	8
Damien	5	4	1	42	27	15	8
Stef	2	1	1	15	15	0	2
Ric	3	1	2	19	25	-6	2
Fret	4	1	3	21	35	-14	2
Enigma	3	0	3	17	27	-10	0

Matches Remaining:
Stef v Enigma
Stef v Ric
Stef v Fret
Ric v Enigma

Group 3

Kris 9-2 Scotty
Kris 9-4 Nathan
Kris 9-4 Ryan
Liam 9-3 Kris
Devrim 9-8 Kris
Scotty 9-3 Nathan
Scotty 9-6 Ryan
Scotty 9-4 Liam
Ryan 9-4 Nathan
Nathan 9-2 Liam
Devrim 9-3 Nathan
Ryan 9-0 Liam
Devrim 9-5 Ryan
Devrim 9-8 Liam

Devrim	4   	4   	0   	36   	24   	12   	8
Kris	5   	3   	2   	38   	28   	10   	6
Scotty	4   	3   	1   	29   	22   	7   	6
Ryan	5   	2   	3   	33   	31   	2   	4
Nathan	5   	1   	4   	23   	38   	-15   	2
Liam	5   	1   	4   	23   	39   	-16   	2

Matches Remaining:
Devrim v Scotty

Group 4

Martin 9-8 Stezz
Daniel 9-5 Stezz
Stezz 9-8 Mark
Christian 9-2 Stezz
Stezz 9-0 Lee
Martin 9-3 Mark
Christian 9-8 Martin
Martin 9-8 Lee
Mark 9-6 Daniel
Christian 9-4 Daniel
Christian 9-7 Mark
Mark 9-4 Lee
Christian 9-5 Lee

Christian	5	5	0	45	26	19	10
Martin	4	3	1	35	28	7	6
Mark	5	2	3	35	37	-2	4
Stezz	5	2	3	33	35	-2	4
Daniel	3	1	2	19	23	-4	2
Lee	4	0	4	17	36	-19	0

Matches Remaining:
Martin v Daniel
Daniel v Lee

Group 5

Ray 9-1 Hara
Ray 9-3 Cent
Ray 9-1 Mossy
Hara 9-8 Cent
Rich 9-6 Hara
Hara 9-5 Mossy
Cent 9-1 Rich

Ray	3	3	0	27	5	22	6
Hara	4	2	2	25	31	-6	4
Cent	3	1	2	20	19	1	2
Rich	2	1	1	10	15	-5	2
Mossy	2	0	2	6	18	-12	0
Joe	0	0	0	0	0	0	0

Matches Remaining:
Ray v Rich
Ray v Joe
Hara 2-1 Joe (to be finished)
Cent v Mossy
Cent v Joe
Rich v Mossy
Rich 6-3 Joe (to be finished)
Mossy v Joe

Those who haven't played many games yet, please make an effort to get them played - I know people have work etc, so if you could maybe get your opponents' MSN or something, and try arrange a time to play. It's possible future events like this might happen, so at least getting all your games played will give you a good chance of being in any future event, even if you don't play so well in this. :)

currently 6-3 up vs sharky1, finishin 2moro
Group 1

Rocket 9 - 7 The Stone Roses

ty Matt
Eric Abidal 9-3 AllTimeLegend ggs thx..

been lookin for my group but cnt find..
Won 9-5 against mossy ggs ty even though you were ul alot.
Was just an idea, ad I don't think it would be fair. If I suggested it much earlier then it would have been no problem but we will only play 1 game each.

There's been a couple of changes to who's in and who's not, affecting Group 1 and Group 5. Domi and Billy are apparently no longer playing, so they've been replaced by Euan and Steve (The Stone Roses), while in Group E Steve (Irish Hitman) has been replaced by Mossy.

Anyway my results for tonight were,

Fosters 8-9 -Paralyzed- - don't know how I won this was 8-5 down!
Never_lost_it 3-9 -Paralyzed-

So I'm through! :p
Just beat Booomer 

9-6 ggs m8
I played Sharky and won 2-1 have to finish that rt9.

Also won 2-1 against Mossy to be finished tomorow.

ye same for me scott sharky posted a comment sayin he aint seen us but were on like everynite dunno how he hasnt seen us lol neway to paras suggestion i wudnt mind playin twice if the opponents actually showed up
//Nah come on that will take ages Paralyzed, We are tired of playing race to 9 :p.. 

Anyways I just played Boomer and he was in a very bad shape/form and it kept get worse so i won 9-5 at last ggs thx Boomer and unlucky!

Eric Abidal 9-5 Boomer
im up for playin every1 twice.

lost 9-0 to Mag wp

looks like im out then unless were playin each other twice.:p

My games s far Martin :D

LOST 9-8 Fosters
WON 9-4 Uk hardy
WON 9-6 Phuz

thanks mark :D
Me 9 - 4 Phuzkaz

thats my group games done

and ggs phuzkaz

This is stupid I'm in the only group where no one shows up. Please can someone in my group check unrated room at some point lol.
Would anyone be up for playing your opponents twice in the group stage? Just an idea, would make the tourny go for a bit longer (I'm actually enjoying this :p), and would perhaps be more accurate, like if it's just 1 game against everyone you could be off form in some of your games and get smashed by players you expected to beat, second match could be a different story...

Just an idea. :)

Ye wp scott told ya 9-8 eh :p shame i cudnt finish the comeback off with a win but nevermind was great fun and an awesome match. might meet u in the later rounds so we';; wait and see :p:p:p


p.s anyone know about irish hitman and sharky not seen em around. If u guys r on im in unrated everynite so drop in ;)
Haha nice attempt for the tables on the forum

anywayz if anybody was wondering I'm that random Christian guy whose in there aswell


i never see any1 im supposed to play :s
Updated Tables:

Group A
Player	Win	Loss	FW	FL	Diff	Pts

Matt	3	0	27	8	19	6
Nando	1	1	13	15	-2	2
Ben	0	2	10	18	-8	0
Euan	0	1	0	9	-9	0

Group B
Damien	3	0	27	13	14	6
Jay	3	1	34	23	11	6
Fret	1	1	11	17	-6	2
Stef	0	1	6	9	-3	0
Marcos	0	3	18	27	-9	0

Group C
Kris	3	2	38	29	9	6
Scotty	2	1	20	16	4	4
Devrim	2	0	18	16	2	4
Ryan	1	1	13	13	0	2
Liam	1	3	23	30	-7	2
Nathan	1	3	21	29	-8	2

Group D
Christian	4	0	36	22	14	8
Stezz	2	2	25	26	-1	4
Daniel	1	0	9	5	4	2
Martin	1	1	17	17	0	2
Mark	0	2	15	18	-3	0
Lee	0	3	13	27	-14	0

Group E
Ray	2	0	18	4	14	4
Cent	1	2	20	19	1	2
Hara	1	1	10	17	-7	2
Rich	0	1	1	9	-8	0

2nd match Boomer 9.3 All Time Legend ggs Nathan 
Me n Phuz played a few games which stopped at 3-2 in my favour due to his mother wanting to go on the computer
3 games so far

lost 9-7 rdc
lost 9-8 fosters
WON 9-4 UK hardy
fosters 5-9 phuzkaz (biggest mup on game such a sore winner watch out for him guys).

fosters 9-0 UK Hardy.
first 9-0 of tourny hope i qualify now just started playin well.

i beat boomer, 9 -4 , i won 3 and lost 2 matches, so do i move on or im out?
Won 9-8 haha well played Scott, what a come back from 8-3.
Me vs UK Hardy finished 9-5 to me

ggs man
I'll play if use want me too seeing as I finally have an internet connection again. But I warn you, I've played 4 games in a year so I'm crap.

Still better than Matt though.
Ah played 187 (Flawless) and must say this was another fine match he did a crazy comeback from like 6-2 to 8-8 but in the last frame it ended up in my advantage (once again) soo the result..

Eric Abidal 9-8 187/Flawless, ty for frames!
Fosters 5  -  9 PhuzKaz

bye bye my friend !
I haven't even seen any of my opponents online yet, let alone played em...

People in my group... add n_clayton@hotmail.co.uk to arrange a time :D ty
Edited? Why you edit? Its exactly the same as what I wrote. Now people will think I was swearing about score or something?
Just won against Scott (HaraKiri)

-Iguana- 9 - 1 HaraKiri
Lost 1-9 to Ray lol. Don't know how he did it I played class.

>Para if 2 people have dropped without playing add Euan in one of there places...

Apparently Domi doesn't want to play now, is this true? If it is true then I'm sure someone like Euan could be a more than capable substitute. :)

-Paralyzed- 8-9 Respect da champ
UK Hardy 8-9 -Paralyzed-

Well played both of you!

martin i dint kno u needed the score man, was 9 to 4 against nathan, and 9 to 2 against scotty:)
Thanks for the great match Liam (HmmOkayThen) must have been the best match so far but ended up for my advantage last frame as the result got 9-8 for me so...

Eric Abidal 9-8 HmmOkayThen
Lost to Devrim (Eric) 9-8 wp ggs m8 :D
Just played -Flawless- and it finished...

Scotty 2-9 Flawless 
 Bad games for me but wp :|
I beat Century King 9-3, ggs thanks wp
Just played All Time Legend and it finished...

Scotty 9-3 All Time Legend
sry scratch last message lol he then rerurned 5 mins after claimnig d.c i won 9-1 ty
lost 9-2 to RDC

Never_lost_it 8-9 Fosters

playin so crap its untrue lol

won 1 lost 1 now
Para if 2 people have dropped without playing add Euan in one of there places...
hmm martin i was playin pie r eazy winnin 7-1 was about to be 8-1 then he left im my eyes its a forefit but up to you.

>Scott (hara) shud be good game me n u 9-8 perhaps ?

Hah doubt it mate, more like 9-0 to you. I was hoping to play while I was at home, but I'm back at uni now, for some reason the game looks blured at a distance on my laptop...plus I've not played for a while because of this. I'm hoping I've only been playing bad on the laptop because its harder to see the angles and I was just being careless and rushing so i'll give it my best:p.To people that don't know me, it may sound like I'm making excuses but that doesn't matter, I'm saying all that now so whatever the score in my games it will be good fun and there will be no arguments or complaints. Whoevers in this tourney is absolutly class and good luck to the lot of you.

People in my group bare with me, I gotta get myself a subbed nick before I can play so I'll try and do that asap.
Group 1

Rocket 9 - 4 Other Dimension

ty Matt
add me 2 arrange games nathan999@hotmail.com
I played HmmmOkayThen earlier finished...

Scotty 9-4 HmmmOkayThen :p
Me n Fosters finished 9-2 but that is not how it should've been i had luck throughout the game and he basically had none at all

still was good games

thats 3 in 3 (Y)

Good to see this is going smoothly so far. :p

As well as Nando updating that site, I'm also saving all results and tables on a spreadsheet, just to make sure it's accurate.
hii i wen 3-0 up against hmmokaythen then & he left match & told me in lobby he quits & dont wanna play again
Class games with Para really really close match

taking it in turns to win a frame

I won 9-8 in the end

again vggs
nathan999@hotmail.co.uk add me 2 arrange games!! :p
Ah, shame I was too late for this. I just played my first game since I don't know when and won with style :).

Second game, not so good.

Regards, Euan. (The Wizard)
Group 1

Rocket 9 - 4 Skilled Cue

ty Matt
I really didnt even expect to be put in this...so once everybody was asking me about it i decided to check this topic

ow well ill try ma best

 Yeah I'm looking forward to getting smashed by you Ray lol.
hey iguana im in ur group so ill add u to if every1 in my group wanta to add me to arrange my addy is sgreaves87@hotmail.co.uk



Scott (hara) shud be good game me n u 9-8 perhaps :p?
Thanks to Nando for producing updated tables. :)

Scott (Century_King), play in any 8-Ball room, rated or not it doesn't matter although obviously it's gotta be agreed between both.

As well as posting results here, please tell me if you see me on the game, I use the name "Mag." in the games. You could also email me results at martin_lister@hotmail.co.uk, this would be easier. :)

Thanks, and good luck,
ow other dimension thats great m8;)

gl in tourney all
I beat Stef 9-6 and i also beat enigma 9-6 

~Jay aka Big Boi Tank
How wonderful scott lol, looks like your in my group - cant wait to play you:D.

For those who want to contact me to arrange, I am on rayz@hotmail.co.uk - either send an IM or e-mail. Look forward to playing you all soon!

Martin - Thanks for organising this tournament, your doing a great job, keep up the good work mate!

So martin we r officially underway? are games to be rated or unrated like tourneys b4?
I was like ahh I've got a right hard group! But they all look hard lol. For anyone who needs to know and doesn't already I'm Hara but I'll use the nick I play on to post results on forum (not sure which nick that will be).
I beat Flawless 9-3 first game. ggs ty mate :D
if u need to contact me ben_walker7@hotmail.co.uk

Group 1

zander rfc
The Omen
Other Dimension
- ₪ -
Skilled Cue

Group 2

Rockin Music.
Enigma Lncb
Big Boi Tank
Calcio de Sport
Ic3 m4n

Group 3

Eric Abidal
All Time Legend

Group 4

UK Hardy
Respect da champ

Group 5

Irish Hitman

Good luck everyone. :)
>who are HmmOkayThen & - ₪ -
First one is Liam.
Second one is Nick - Salad Fingers.

>Enigma said : ok eu jogo("ok i play")
K. Entry closed. 30 people in! :D

Draw will be up in the morning.
Para another surgestion, how about a 3rd and 4th play of aswell?!

ty Matt :D
Enigma said : ok eu jogo("ok i play") :D
who are HmmOkayThen & - ₪ - didnt think this was a tourny u could hide ur identity in, thought it was best of the best
Format is going to go something like this:

5 groups of 6 players (total of 30 players)

Like Matt suggested, there will be seedings. For argument's sake I'm not going to reveal who's going to be seeded and who's not. Will be 15 seeds, 15 non-seeds. 3 of each in each group.

Everyone in group plays each other once in a race to 9. The top 3  players from 
each group
 will progress. Because this will only make 15 progress, there will be one more spot in the last 16 going to the best 4th placed player, i.e who has most points out of all 4th placed players, or if points are equal, who has best frame difference (frames won/lost). For this reason it is important that the scores you report to me are 
. Please don't lie about scores as it just makes everything a pain in the backside - I'm sure you all are honest enough not to do this. :)

There will be no set time when to play opponents. What I mean is, if you see a player in your group you can just play him there and then.

I originally said all games would be played in unrated. However, I'm going to give you the choice of which room to play in (aslong as it's 8-Ball obviously!) - of course it's gotta be agreed between the two of you before starting.

For a win you'll receive 2 points, for a loss obviously 0.

After the group stages we'll move into straight knock-out rounds. Format will be simple:

Last 16 - race to 11 (best of 21)
1/4 Final - race to 13 (best of 25)
1/2 Final - race to 15 (best of 29)
Final - race to 18 (best of 35)

Obviously because it's long races I understand if players have to leave during a match. If this happens, please remember what the score was when you left, and continue from there next time you're on.

I think that's just about everything covered, if not tell me! Now the only thing we need is a 30th entrant!

Its Me Jay, i spoke to spence today and he said he's not up to playing in the tourny "no point playing bcoz ill just get smashed without practice" its unfortunately really as we know hes a great 8 player :(
can u put a list up of every1 in tourny pls, & ty 4 lettin me join ur tourny should be good if every1 behaves(y)
Pen and paper out! :p

List of players in is as follows - if you no longer want to be in, tell me ASAP.

- ₪ -
All Time Legend™
The Omen™
Other Dimension
Ic3 m4n
Rockin Music.
Calcio de Sport
Eric Abidal
zander rfc
Skilled Cue
Big Boi Tank
Respect da champ
UK Hardy
Irish Hitman

That's 29. Scott, if you can ask Spence if he's interested that would be great. If we get 30 we'd be perfectly set for a start.
come on man this tourny keeps gettin delayed all the time. 
Para where will the games be played? Unrated or Normal Room 1. and how you gna know if one says yeh i beat him 9-5 or watever and has no proof? maybe try organise referees? idk :p
If you could write a list of the players in it, it would help. I'll try and contact spence too.
By adding UK Hardy, Respect da champ and All Time Legend, we have 29 players. Adding these players, also will mean I will use seedings.

If we can get 3 more 
 players in, then that would be class as we'll then have 32 exactly. 

I'm wanting to get this thing started tomorrow, or by Sunday at the very latest.
Lol nice one Scotty surely that defeats the whole point of seeding?

Sounds alrite, Para ill be happy to take one of the lower seed places, help you out a little if your doing it this way id also put Rocket in one of lower places :p
Yeah but who's going to decide who should be seeded and who shouldn't be? I might give it a go.

At the end of the day, if you want to be the best, you gotta beat the best, no matter which stage it's at! :)
yeah para thats what i said! do not do number 1...2...3...4 seeds, do it in groups of ppl! like how the champs league is set out! they have 4 seeding groups, and you have 1 from each seeding group in every group league!

but what ever you think is best?! 

ty Matt :D
Good idea, but that would create SO MANY arguments, is it really worth that? I just want to get this thing underway ASAP.

Perhaps just having half the players seeded and the other half not seeded might work, instead of number 1 seed, number 2 etc, but I'll see what works.
Para, maybe adding seedings into this tourny! seeing as it isn't just the best players now, we should have seedings, cos i dont want to see a group with all the worst players in the tournament in 1 group! which ends up putting a top class player out of one of the other groups!

Maybe copying the champions league seedings would be good, (will also stop arguements on who is the top seed) so the top seeds will be 8 players etc. then you have the 2nd seeds of 8 players! this will stop the 4 fav's to win the whole thing ending up in 1 group, which we all know will be a disaster!

ty Matt :D
im interested, im not best of the best but ill give it my best:p 
I would attempt to enter this myself

except im rather crap now haha

so no point be interesting to see who wins though
Hey Nando,

If you could, please ask him (Enigma_Lncb) as I'd like to have him in this. And I'll keep you in the tourny, there's not going to be a set date or time in which to play your games, if you see someone you got to play just play them there and then so it's quite flexible.

Ok the draw will be going up on Friday so if you ain't in yet and should be, then get yourself in! :p


Daniel Simões Francês !


As you know, I don't have much time to play nowadays.The past few days I've been quite busy at university("works,works and more works").If you need someone to drop...feel free to drop me.

I can ask enigma_lncb, up to you Martin.

P.S: Matt said :
 "Also maybe try getting Enigma (the real one, not the lncb one) to enter it, as he is one of best 8ballers ever!".Now i ask: Matt, 970 is not good enough?..I thought we were talking about 8ball.


Yeah it should be underway soon, just trying to get a few more in as we have something like 26-27 people in, and it would be great if we got 32.
so para whens it gonna get underway, are we just waitin for every1 to be contacted, like spence etc
I can find Daniel and spence on msn, but none of the others...Yeah I know steve then:p
One more post here tonight,

Anyone can get in touch with these players?
Daniel (PhuzKaz)
Enigma Lncb
Lucas (baller42)

And probably a couple other obvious ones I've missed out.
Ok, tourny will have 32 players not 20, but I will not go any further than 32, this is already becoming a pain in the a*** without you lot (not all of you) acting like children!

That Riley Lad,
I agree, maybe I am indeed one of the weaker players on that list. However, next time, post that on your normal name, you muppet! I don't care who you are really, but for christ sake stop being sad and stop hiding! ;\

I would have no reason to drop you, you're one of the best I've ever played against!

Potting Bullet,
I'm not your son. ;)

Stef = Powerful Shot, currently uses the name Calcio de Sport. Don't know if that helps you. And I don't know which Mark you mean, but I'm on about Never_lost_it. And Steve = Irish Hitman, old name was Panther, but apparently (according to some!) I've only included him because he's a mate...

Mr. One n Only (bakr),
It's best of the best...
32 seems ok if you can get 32 players. You don't want to start adding players who arn't that good because it defeats the point of the tourney.
liam always cheated to get crown thats why he is geting reset all the time
ur a very fantastic player carter ..u will woop any player np
I think Baz idea was good, why dropping players? I don't get the point to be honest it's not like we got any kids in it who would ruin it all. But It's up to you, seeing from my perspective I would rather pick the one whose more experienced than the ones whose on "good form"! 

I would say the players on the list right now are all good enough to win the tournament, alternatively reaching the semi's..

You beat me that day, so?

I think your obsessed with me, keeping a gallery of ss's on me? As for fake screenshot of my cent! Oh please. 

You sit there all day trying to get me banned by cloning and abusing your other name whilst I'm in the room.

I think we both know you clearly have a passion for me :).

well so many ppl want to be in, and theres lots of good players. i think you should make 32 players. and have 8 groups of 4. top 2 go through, and then play last 16, quaters, semis the the final, just an idea for ya martin, as i want ur tourney to have the best and be a success.

just an idea for you to consider;)

gl with it still:)
Better than me?

I kept this ss, waiting the day u will tell you are better than me, even if i don't play pool, was still easy against you.


You should stop lying with your datas, all were up by domi, i wont even say something about the fake cent screenshots ;).
martin if u dnt mind let me join plz
You think I care if I'm dropped? 

Armen and Will jealous because I'm better than them :(.
You two need lifes because you making 5-6 names per day pretending to be cool and chat to each other. 

Not many you could drop tbh, I would just make it a bigger tourny. Out of the players you have this is what I think on who could be dropped...

Me -no
Max -no
Ray -def not
Billy -no
Matt -no
Stezz -no
Scott -well I can't tell you not to drop me so you can make your own decision on that:p
Scotty -no
Kris -no
Nick -no
Rich -no
Ben -not if hes still about
Stef -who???? Dunno if hes good or not
Damien -def not
Ric -prob not if hes still as good as before
Domi -no
Jay -no
Mark -does Mark even play? He was good but only when on form and he takes ages to get good again after a break, and tbh I've not seen him on in ages...
Devrim -Again Devrim is good but not the level on Matt n Stezz etc, plus I didn't know he still played.
Nando -Never heard of?
Joseph -no
Steve -who?
Liam -no
Ryan -no
Other Scott -no

Not many to drop there:D. Everyone is class when they are on form so the only way to decide who to drop would be to decide whose not on form..and thats a bit hard without playing matches, and playing matches is part of the tourney. So gl on dropping some:D glad its not my decision:p.

Count me in son, also i think Liam should be drop first cuz he is the weakest here"


If you end up with too many players, feel free to boot me out, although I would still like to play if possible. 


if your gonna drop the players down to 20... then it should be the people most likely to hold up the tournament that should be dropped, no doubt all the players on that list are good, sp droppin shouldnt be dependent on the skill cos there is no clear cut difference
Ok para, i hope for you that you wont cut Liam cuz he already came to me and bragged that he was the best cuz he was accepted here ;)

I wish you the best of luck Liam they are no hard feelings here:D
Your dropping people wow! that would be very stupid as every player there as the ability to beat anyone on there day also every one has had a crown most even having more thn 1 in different games. and how you gonna choose who to drop Martin if any think your one of the weaker players...
>the most popular players are in it.
Because the most popular players are the ones who are class, not the ones who think they're cool because they always get demmed/banned.

I'm going to cut this to 20 players by the time we get started, so if you're dropped then I'm sorry.
Swizz was right, the most popular players are in it.
I personally dont think zeus is actually any good! how can some one be in a best of best tourny, when he can't even break and clear! or even opp break and he clears!

i personally believe there is alot better players out there than him!

dont get me wrong, he has a great 8ball brain, but his skills doesn't match up to his brain! therefore he isn't amoung the top 100 players!

if he does get entered please put him in my group, i could do with the easy points!

ty Matt :D
That's like the real life situation in snooker. All the new kids on the block are becoming more attacking, which is the way I like to play on any game. Wheras the oldies are sticking to a good patient game. 

Theres different views to it. But if the best are good enough than surely they can beat him.

I'd probably be annoyed but meh I ain't going to lose sleep over it at the end of the day :D
Trouble with Luis (zeus) in is that people arn't gonna like losing to him ( me included). In a normal game you are playing for the points, no point crying if you lose because you know how luis plays and you took the risk you would get snookered and lose. In a tourny for the best though I would feel a bit annoyed going out to him because although he is a strong player and I would class him as one of the best I feel I have more skill at potting. Although you could argue that play snookers requires skill with Zeus it turns into more of a game of patience and even a better player could lose to him by getting fed up or by getting snookered every shot.

I do enjoy playing Luis in normal games because it makes a change in the style of play I have to use, but going out to him in a tourney like this? That wouldn't be so good. That just my opinion and obviously its up to Para, either way it shall be a good tourney:D.
Yeah Ryan should be in, and while we are at it so should the other Scott (Century King).
Right, where to start now...

Scott, I agree, Enigma_LNCB should definately be in - I can only recall ever winning a handful of games against him - and I've played him a good few times! So if someone wants to ask him (if anyone can communicate with him, he only speaks Portuguese, he's Brazilian) that would be cool.

Rocket, if you (or anyone else I suppose) can get in touch with the real Enigma, then that would also be cool as he'll then be entered. :)

Ryan, no worries I'll add you too.

SwissBeatz, okay I agree with you, but does Zeus really want to play in something like this? Ask him and get back to me, I'm not on the game much so won't see him.

Century_King, I will add you as I know you're pretty good in light - I know it's an 8-Ball tourny, but if you can play light, 8-Ball should be no problem either.

And last but not least, although Fretty is a snooker player, I shall enter him!

Looks like we'll have much more than 20 in, so this is gonna be a long one - which is good, obviously...

And for all you impatient folks, sorry, but at the end of the day, we want the best don't we?! :p

well both the enigmas are class, but id say theres only one enigma on this site, and thats Enigma

and yes i agree, u want the best there is, so will take time, this will be a good tourney, so be patient

Matt you say not the lncb one but although I know the real one is class, I played the lncb one for the first time recently and admittedly I was playing bad but he walked all over me. I think I only got like 1 shot in the whole bo3, so if thats his normal standard the lncb one deserves a shot too.
Para, let Fret in this tourny, he is actually very good! we want a good competative tourny, and he will add alot to it!

Also maybe try getting Enigma (the real one, not the lncb one) to enter it, as he is one of best 8ballers ever!

ty Matt :D
I meant popularity* not reality :|
ok para, I didn't know this was a reality contest lol I thought you wanted a tournament with the best players ;) slow or fast shouldn't really make a difference...
Am I last cause I'm the worst :(?
para m8 when u got scott in the list u meen me yeh?

i only know me and scotty called scott so i think its me neway :p
Trouble with this is everyone is absolutly pro so if you don't play on form for 1 game your, well ****ed:p
Ok ok, I know there's a few players who might be better than what we have, but we have a lot of good players in anyway. The only player from your list I'd even consider, SwizzBeatz, is Ganges but that will just slow everything down because of the way he plays, and I'm not sure how popular a choice it would be if he was in (I don't consider playing 5 snookers per frame class, enough said).

The reason I'm delaying starting is because there is always going to be a couple more class players who end up expressing an interest (and we want to make this the proper best of the best, right?), so I'll leave it open for now. I'm 90% sure we'll have this underway at some point next week though.

Entrants so far are:

Para, I also gonna play this tourney

thu guys are gunna be shocked wen me or matt win in np :p
No offence deigo but if you were good enough I'd know who you are...
if u didnt realise, this is an 8ball torni!!!! 
so it doesnt matter if ur gd at 8, and not others, as its 8ball which wil b bein played, and i agree, enigma lncb shud b in it, if hes about
Diego,Rise will win 5-0 im sure so don't try ;)
swizz: yea,jesus is better than enigma..enigma only plays 8 ball..
rise,who are you to tell me i cant play?i was asking paralyzed.If u dunt think im gd enough why dnt u play me rt5, winner has ur spot
Para you dont mean me Mark do you? lol Even though i will play :D
ok if that's the case then I suppose, for an example, jesus lncb is much better than Enigma_lncb ? ok point made ;)
i disagree scott, i think a couple he has mentioned... are better than a couple in the torni, but who am i 2 argue bout who's in n who aint :p
Swiss no offence to any you put, but the players listed for the tourney are kinda better than those...
hmmm im interested, im not a pool player though ur choice for me paralyzed.. if u think im good enough :p
ill play, thats if considered good enough...

i saw a guy called Nish in 8 ball yesterday, so i guess ull find him. well im sure it was Nish:p
so many players that you could have put down to make this tourney more efficient, even though I don't admire the guy, Sven` should be put down, even tho he only plays in snooker these days, he could compete with pretty much anyone on your list. Mark (Ganjard) was 1 of the best, Armen (no intro needed :p) Enigma_Lncb, .Ganges, the joker, laurence (Primacy Politic) need I say more.
just like to confirm i will be playin under this nick. and i am the 7th person down in ur list para :p

Hi, can I play? My raiting is about 400..
Lol I always thought joeseph was Euan, I sware Euan said he was too..
Ok, I agree Domi and Jay need to be in it (someone ask Domi? ;\), I'm also going to put Devrim and Mark into it, so we now have 22. Because I'm trying to make a lot of the best players play in this, and there still will be players who haven't seen this yet, I ask you all to have some patience as we're very close to getting this started. There's still a few players, like Zain, Ben, Nish etc who would all be in if they were interested. Anyone heard from any of these? :|

So, because we're gonna have more than 20 players, the group format will be altered slightly, but no matter what, games in the groups will still be race to 9. As soon as the list is 
 I'll confirm rules and all that jazz.
tbh, i think jays past it, he cries 2 much ne way, he'd b in tears if he went out at group stages, get domi in it ;z
Ok,with devrim ( eric ) and jay we got exactly 20. registration closed i guess? :D
Also even if im not including :D im called mark but you have to include jay come on hes class lol :D hit back 
Yeh that sounds like a good idea there man :D i ll play in it, and i also asked jay aka big boi and wicked cue he said that he would play in it aswell hit back with more information.
Sir Joseph isn't euan!!! he is Sharky, a very old player who was class when all the top players were playing!

And yes he should be playing in this!

ty Matt :D
well, domi needs 2 b in it!
duno if ne1 told him bout it tho
Para josheph is Euan, dunno if that helps:p. Ty for changing it cos I don't wanna use Rise, I'll use Hara or something. Don't really think you will need ss because the players in the tourney are good enough to be honest and not cheat so..
You probably don't know me but I would like to join ;-)
Ok I think I've decided how this is gonna work. All games will be played in unrated to save argument about points etc. As for the format, it's going to go something like this:

Group Stage: 4 groups of 5 players - race to 9. Top 2 from each group progress to the Quarter Finals. 2 points for a win, 0 for a loss. If points are tied after all the games group positions will be decided by frame difference, and if that's level, frames won. If that's still level, head-to-head result will decide who finishes above who.

Quarter Finals: Race to 12 (best of 23)
Seim Finals: Race to 15 (best of 29)
Final: Race to 18 (best of 35)

Obviously because it's long races some players may have to leave during games, if this happens please make an effort to remember (maybe ss) what the score was when you left, and then continue from there next time you're on.

There will be no specific order in which you play your group games, just play your opponents when you see them. :)

Obviously we're close to having something on the road now so stay tuned! B-)

Ok Scotty, I'll take your word for it, Joseph's in. ;)


We nearly have 20, so if there's anyone else who should be in this let them know! :p

Should be a good tourny. :)
we nearly got our 20 then :p?
Para, Sir Joseph is good enough to be in this tourny mate he used to be class not played him for a while though :p
Updated list:


Sir Joseph - I don't know you, so I'm unable to include you at the moment.
> post a subject an respond with another nik, pfff
What are you on about? I've posted on one name during this whole thread. Put the whisky down! ;)
Il play u day an night, an how many niks u got para
u post a subject an respond with another nik, pfff
see that inflatable head of urs , maN 

Well obviously over time subs run out and players get names banned - or lose their pass :p, so I might make it so that you can play on whatever name you want, however this might lead to some people impersonating others, so I don't know if this would work.
Stezz said he would like to play in it!

as we all know he is complete diff class, so he should be enter too!
Thanks for putting me in but I can't play on Salad lol... that name got erm... well... let's just say I lost the pass. :p

- ₪ - is the name I'm on now.

Some class players there, I hear Rise is awsome:p. Should be a hard, but class tourny.
I'm thinking about cutting it down to 20 players with 4 groups of 5, with group games being rt9 and top 2 qualifying - we'll see how much more interest we get though. Hopefully will get something sorted in the next couple of weeks. Current list is as follows - if you're listed below you're pretty much guaranteed to be in.

The Omen™
ıяısн нıтмαи™
Salad Fingers
-Paralyzed- (why not:p)

So we still need a few more, as you can see that's only 13 players and we need more than that to have a decent tourny so if you bump into anyone who might be interested let them know and then let me know.

OK but don't try too hard please:p? Maybe miss the odd ball, or even just pot the white every go, its all good:D
And would you beat me Scotty:D?
sounds gd man, if u get enough playes tell me, i dnt mind   getting skooled by sum of the best:>
Count me in mate :p i may have lost my pro touch for now but im sure i can compete in 8ball.

Hehe matt if i do meet you in this i hope its in final because when i play people i usually know if i should beat them or not with you i normally think im gonna lose :p. 

Hope this all goes well !
I'd be up for it mate, if I'm invited of course;). Not been playing well the past couple of days, not sure if its cos i've just started playing on my laptop at uni or I'm just out of form, but I'll do my best:D. If I'm lucky my game might be on a day when I'm on my comp at home:p.
It will indeed be long races, none of this rt3 or rt5 crap - all building up to a bo35 final (probably). Don't know yet if I'm feeling generous enough to give out prizes for the winner(s), but we'll see about that. And yes, I probably will end up reducing it to 16. Lets wait a while and see how much more interest this gets, then I'll start taking this further.

 of the players who have posted here so far would've been invited - you probably know I have a fairly good idea who the class players are around 'ere anyway. :p
guys guys, he said class players!!!!! not average!!!

I agree will be diff finding 32 class players, best of reducing it to 16! also with 8ball, you wanna make it alot of frames, cos all are class its only way to decide it! plus they should be played quickly! when i mean by alot of frames, talking like bo35 final!! (i played a great old player and we went through 20 frames in like 40 mins! so it can be done ;)

I would sure hope a old legand name Rocket would be let into it, cos im sure he'd beat most of these wanna be's :)

ty Matt :D

ps dont let scotty in it :| dont wanna lose in 2 tournys to him :D :p
Omen said gl finding 32 class players, well im not class but ill give my best shot, if invited that is:p
sounds good, but good luck finding 32 class players ;)

Hey Paralyzed, I'm interested in playing. Let me know if this ok cheers!
I'm in.You probably know who i am m8 :D
Would be cool especially invite only, don't know about me being the best but am definatly interested.  Hit me up a mail: corruptingthemind@gmail.com

The Fearn B-)
hey para sound gd m8 only trusted players invited like as u know they'll play.

Count me in m8

cheers scott