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An issue targered at the operator
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Dear Moderators
An issue targered at the operator
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Dear Moderators
An issue targered at the operator
I'm sending my best regards from Germany to every visitor of this forum including of course also the operator.
Yet in order that other people can get to know me "a fortiori", I'm going to introduce myself trying to cut a long story as short as possible:
My name is Christian and I'm at the age of 16 years now living in a small city here in the South of Germany and frequenting a grammar school. My favourite games on flyordie consist mainly or rather of all three kinds of billard, what makes me play it every day. :)

But so as to get back to my issue what led me to this article:
Refering to the wherefores that it would redound to not only my advantage that my affair won't become established in the public, what could be declared at best considering the point that as far as my question is concerned, only mods are concerned, so much the better the operator of flyordie, I'd valuate more than only highly if you, the operator, could write an e-mail to me, for the reasons called further up.
In order to expel wrong imaginations from one's mind: A ban of mine isn't concerned with my issue :)

I'm nourishing hope that this letter is to such an extent with powerful eloquence that a great lack of jest should have been reached, because considering some other 16-year-old guy writing a topic into a forum, one could suppose that a seriousness is completely missing. :)

One of my e-mail addresses is this one in the following:

I'd more than appreciate if you, the operator, could write back so that a private discussion or, nearly, petition could become possible.

Best regards from Germany,
Christian H.
looks to me like some fool swallowed a dictionary and is trying to show off, however it seems likely that he embarrassed himself rather than enriching his persona

T H E    S T I G
I think maybe he used a crappy translator, but an interesting read nonetheless

Refering to the wherefores that it would redound to not only my advantage that my affair won't become established in the public, what could be declared at best considering the point that as far as my question is concerned, only mods are concerned, so much the better the operator of flyordie, I'd valuate more than only highly if you, the operator, could write an e-mail to me, for the reasons called further up

ZOMG :| Even davemeister couldn't type such a long sentence :|
not to mention a sentence plagued by errors.  He tried to sound smart but failed, he can't cover up the dumb no matter how hard he tries.
wow, you guys sure are mean!  take a bit of a break on the guy.  it's pretty obvious that his first language isn't english.  and initially, i thought he was doing fairly well for speaking english, but then realized that that probably wasn't the case, as i continued reading.

it appears to me that he wrote a very elegant and polite letter in his native language (i'd guess german), and then used a translator to post it in english.  and that's likely why so many fancy words appeared, because that's how they were translated from german.  as with any online translator, many mistakes are made, and it reads very awkwardly.  so the attempt was made, but the translation came though a bit lacking.

but to actually reply to the original post... i'm not exactly sure what you're saying.  but it appears you have an issue with something, and would like the operator to reply.  if this is the case, i would suggest emailing support@flyordie.com and write the same thing, both in english and in german... as we do have moderators who speak german, and might be able to help easier than people trying to understand the english translation.  good luck, and i hope you get your issue dealt with.

oops i didn't read everything, i didn't realize he's not a native english speaker.  I take what i said back :D
Yeah, i didnt mean to sound rude but like Jason said,
after i read what he said i couldnt work out what he needed help with...
more likes hes a banned player usin a diff nik lol
More like get on with your life, with your banned nicks, not his. TYVM
cough cough cough ^^^^ pot kettle black ;)
anyone notice how 'Dickensian' the message was...?
maybe he's smarter than we think...?!?!?!