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Blacked out game window
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Blacked out game window
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Blacked out game window
I've had a couple of games in which everything in the playing window goes black. Quite annoying. Has anybody else experienced this?
This blacked out windows is the real pain, I had four ! times yesterday, and just had it today
I've had it a couple of times. But thank you for giving us all a solution to it that doesn't whine to OP. I can't wait until I get black screen again to try it out :-).
I have this problem with Maxthon.
With Opera. no problem

u just have to zoom your current page nd thats it ;)
Thanks to all who replied. I will try the trick with screen resolution settings next time given by -extacy-.
this happened to me several times too, i got a better grafic card and from then on i did'nt hat this problem again!
that was the truth, i really didnt know that
was that sarcasm or u speak the truth :D
wow im pressive, i would have never thought of that
> I've had a couple of games in which everything in the
> playing window goes black. Quite annoying. Has
> anybody else experienced this?

actually, i have the solution from my friend when u get the black window. This is what u need to do:
Go with right click of mouse to Properties, then go to Settings tab and there u shall find SCREEN RESOLUTION. The default resolution is 1024 x 768 , so all u need to do is make it to 800 x 600 and check your black window ( and u will see that its not black anymore :D) then get back resolution to 1024 x 768 and its over.
Hope i helped but im sure it will work because i had that kind of problem sooo many times.
actually, i have the solution from my friend when u get the black window. This is what u need to do:
Go with right click of mouse to Properties, then go to Settings tab and there u shall find SCREEN RESOLUTION. The default resolution is 1024 x 768 , so all u need to do is make it to 800 x 600 and check your black window ( and u will see that its not black anymore :D) then get back resolution to 1024 x 768 and its over.
Hope i helped but im sure it will work because i had that kind of problem sooo many times.
well, yes i have. this happens not to offence but it does happen.there really isn't any other way to fix it but this. ok here it is. you see the - the sqaure and the x at the top right of the chess window where you log in and play some games. ok put your curser to where you can expand the window, just move it a little bit, and it should work. either then that, you just have to lose the game -_- i know it sucks