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do something with ads
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do something with ads
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do something with ads
i know its your bread but they blocking whole game, do they need to be so flashy???
when i used to be non subscribed I never had problems with ads. maybe it depends on your pc. well, i got 3 GB ram so enough memory to play without any problems.
or just subscribe your name and they are finally gone.
its worth it.
Sometimes ads pop up over the game im playing.  This makes the game go away and I end up with a loss.  That needs to be fixed!!!
Your Server sucks. No one klicks on this fuc****g Ads.
I will never play on this Community again!

i suffer with mirgrains i just turn screen res down,if u dont want the ads sub ur nik
Its the high level of flashing that is seriously irritating particularly if you are a sufferer of migrane or epilepsy. It needs to be addressed.
seriously I ve upgraded broadband  to up to 10 mb but still it isn't enough for flyordie.
I am just wondering how many potential ad viewers u r losing cause these stupid ads?
Thats how they make their money for us to play it for "free". I just zoom it out.