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Update to Billiards
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Update to Billiards
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Update to Billiards
Whats happened to Billiards exactly, obvious there's been some form of update, i can see the emoticons have changed and something up with PC game...
from what i can tell the tables play slower and u no longer lose points if you disconnect, as well as 8 players being able to watch games now instead of 5. gameplay is defintly better :)
Please be a bit patient with the PC game as it currently is also being updated. The browser game should be fine soon.

FlyOrDie Moderator
How long before PC game updated so can play ppls again?
this is supposed to enhance game, I now have half a screen view.. will not renew subs.. can play this size screen free on website, bye bye flyordie...
You can try the "Enable screen distortion" option in the options menu of the newest version.

Thanks OP. I was so happy to be able to play again I hadnt checked everything..The icons are awful,btw, but it is what it is I guess. Why is the FODRAGON not on the Curling board?
I've seen there has been recieved a new update since yesterday, but what exactly has been changed since the last update?
New emoticons are really bad bad..