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Team Poland versus the Rest of Europe - for The Churchill Cup
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Team Poland versus the Rest of Europe - for The Churchill Cup
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Team Poland versus the Rest of Europe - for The Churchill Cup
"EveMuirhead" and I have given up trying to generate interest in the Continental Cup in North America.
So, we'll have a match between Poland and the Rest of Europe.
The website will be at 

RoE have a team:
A.N. Other plus some ALTs.

Wegma and Hokej, one of you is Poland Team Captain! Let me know as soon as possible who else is in your team. To make it good fun, we need to make sure the teams are of equal overall ability. I’ll make sure RoE is as similar as it can be to Poland. I will need nicks, ratings and e-mail addresses.

Best Wishes,

MuddyScotland "AT" gmail.com
I can be a captain Poland (wegma)
Our team:

I will get busy with the website.
and kodziowymiatacz (alternate)
Mateut when u want to play game with me?I can tommorow all the time,so please let me know time and room,I will be there!
ALESSIO & ksiezniczkwegmy (6 ends), wegma & chris520 (8 ends). I will be in Room 4 today, Sunday, at 8pm UK time. This is 9pm Polish time. I hope to see one of you there.
I am waiting for Eve, but she doesn't exist...
Eve exists, arrived at 7.04pm, apologised, and had a good game with ksiezniczkawegmy  
Wegma, may we have e-mail addresses for all the Polish players? Thanks.
wegma (znawca17@gmail.com)
sundin20 (jac_19@buziaczek.pl)
Hokej (pat-18@tlen.pl)
kodziowymiatacz (kodziowymiatacz@gmail.com)
ksiezniczkawegmy (ksiezniczkawegmy@gmail.com)
ALESSIO (mpli@tlen.pl)
chris520 (don't know)
Chris520 is manunited@o2.pl
ALESSIO-Eve Muirhead 10-2 (6 ends)
wegma-Mateut 8-6 (6 ends)
sundin20-Talent1  6-5 (6 ends)
ksiezniczkawegmy-Eve Muirhead 4-3 (6 ends)
chris520-MikeyT95  6-4 (6 ends)
sundin20-MikeyT95  12-2 (8 ends)

Poland Team all matches won at the moment :)
The results are at 
 If the tournament continues as it is, we'll need to try and get a better balance, with a range of abilities in both teams - not just TeamEurope.
the true is a just best player on the world like Talent,300er,mwcurl,bonobo or vanhassan can have similar play to team Poland,we just know Polish players are very strong here...
Team Europe don't seem to be enjoying the matches as much as they had hoped:

"In my game versus sundin20 Wegma came cheering for sundin and if he hadn't I would surely have won the match. I muted him very soon, but the damage he did was already made."

["Yep. Exactly the same happened to me yesterday. I was having a close game, and suddenly the room was full of players from the other team all yabbering at each other. One, Alessio, asked me if I could play him next. When I said “yes” he kept asking the same question. I immediately lost concentration and lost narrowly. It was extremely distracting and unsporting. What I suggest is that, unfortunately, we’ll have to immediately mute anybody who enters the room, including your opponent after you have wished them good luck. It has even been suggested to me that they may be coaching each other! They always seemed to start chatting when I was trying to play – not when their own team mate was.
So much for  "Curling is a game of skill and of tradition. A shot well executed is a delight to see and it is also a fine thing to observe the time-honoured traditions of curling being applied in the true spirit of the game. A true curler would rather lose than win unfairly."]

Wegma - has the above been happening as they describe?
sad....better u answer for e-mail or post here when u want play our matches witch us...after u cry why Polish player ask about date and time when u want play on match....I answer u....because u are so lazzyy to answer on e-mail or post here reply..../if u lost don't cry next time we give u good chance to see how play best players on the World,and u should say thank you.
Now hold on Hokej : )

The best players in the world are Scandinavian! :p
I am answering in mail.

Very poor behaviours, chat is that to use. I am wishes good luck Eve Muirhead, tha she is crying, that I wroted on chat my message. 

We won everything, not my fault Eve.
Thank you for confirming what I thought Wegma - the behaviour of some of the Polish players does seem to have been very poor; and unsporting. Perhaps it'll improve during the rest of the Tournament.
Everybody plays in Rest of Europe team ? If no, I am ready.
ksiezniczkawegmy-osmark 10-3 (8 ends)
Hi biesmans,
If one of the 6 team members is unavailable, the Team Captains can use an alternate. The alternate must have a lower rating than the team member, and cannot play in the Grand Finale matches. 
Poland Team lead at the moment 40-12 :)
With 400 points available, the team that reaches 201 will win.
the very same thing happened to me but in a different tournement during my match. Alessio et al. muting is fine but you know they are there and it is distracting to say the least 
osmark and glynzales I am online in room 4 today from 5 to 10pm UK time so I hope see one of u there,remember about time,we must play to 17April!
Talent why u set up wrong result?ksiezniczkawegmy give up after 7 ends and she can that lol and u not receive any extra points...

so Muddy results is win for Talent 8-5 after 7 ends because ksiezniczkawegmy give up after this...
osmark give up match before finish with ALESSIO.
Thank you Hokej & Wegma for your posts.
1. Why did Ksiezniczkawegmy leave the match after 7 ends? It was an 8-end game! And the stone count in all ends in the 8-end matches goes to the total stone count which decides the 20 bonus points! These seem likely to go to Team Poland - but surely Talent1 should have been allowed to play the 8th end? Who had hammer?
2. When did ALESSIO and Osmark play? What was the score and in which end did Osmark leave? I can't see a result posted.

I don't understand; so help me - please!!!!!
Will you have two players available for the Grand Finale at 18.00GMT on Sunday 1st May?


I have found a result that you posted from ALESSIO vs Osmark:
Month: April
Day: 14
Year: 2011
WhichCup: Churchill Cup
Match: 6-end single
Curler1name: ALESSIO
Curler1score: 9
Curler2name: osmark
Curler2score: 1
WinFor: Team Poland
After_end: 6
Hammer: .................
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Apr 2011
Time: 10:10 -0700



I submit result because Alessio can't speak and read good in English.

Was this the match that Osmark left early? Now I am really confused!!!!
Ksiezniczkawegmy doesn't leaving match, she give up. Results is 5-8 in this match.
I have awarded a count of 2 to Talent1 for the unplayed 8th end, when he would have had hammer.
ksiezniczkawegmy 5:10 Talent1 after 8-ends
Organizer give points for Rest of Europe for nothing. We won't play in this funny and cheated tournament. We won, thanks
Organizer's decision seems pretty fair to me, although he only awarded 2 stones when he might have awarded 8! Either way, it makes no difference - Team Poland would have to play very poorly indeed for us to overturn the 28 stone deficit.
Are your team going to play their three matches today, or are you going to concede WalkoverWins - WoW?!!!
Now I understand Wegma,
If Team Poland don't turn up, we get 3 wins which is 18 points, and 24:0 added to the stone count. Since this is less than the difference at present, you will get the 20 bonus points. Very clever indeed!

btw Team Poland. Team RoE are planning to play on. If wegma has indeed decided to leave, who wants to replace him as Captain? You have a healthy lead going into the skins :(
Wegma has 100% truth. It is very unfair for Team Poland. The organizer favors one team, we can't play in match, where we are treated like garbage. Everybody knows that organizer and Eve Muirhead and Talent are the friends. Now we see the effects...
Month: April
Day: 10
Year: 2011
WhichCup: Churchill Cup
Match: 6-end single
Curler1name: ALESSIO
Curler1score: 10
Curler2name: EveMuirhead
Curler2score: 2
WinFor: Team Poland
After_end: 4
Hammer: .................
Remote Name:
Date: 10 Apr 2011
Time: 14:10 -0700



Eve and Muddy are u still think you are fair after this?You are so so unfairly there Eve can give up and you not set up any extra points but ksiezniczkawegmy can't give up and you give extra points to Talent.....

Remeber real player would lost than win unfairly....thanks Poland never come back here we heve own league,own championschips don't needed play where organiser don't kknow nothing about fair game.You won you are happy now?
OK - I get it. Wegma doesn't understand the playing format, which is at:

It worked very well when played twice last year as the Continental Cup, but it is perhaps unfair that it is only in English. Can somebody translate the following into Polish for me?

Singles - 6 end games (48 points)
The first event is the 6-end singles; twelve 6-end games between players from each team. Four points are given for a win in each match (or two points for both teams in the event of a tie after six ends). The match finishes after 6 ends, without an extra end.

So the overall stone count doesn't matter; the only thing that matters is win/lose or tie.

Team Singles (92 points)
The team portion of the Churchill Cup will be highlighted by 12 eight-end curling games. Six points are awarded to the winner of each game (three per player if the game remains tied through eight ends). Twenty (20) bonus points are awarded to the team with the better aggregate match score for the Team Singles events -  9:8, 5:7, 10:6 = 24:21 Should the aggregate points difference be the same, 10 points will be awarded to both teams.

So all 8-ends of the Team Singles are played, to allow both teams the chance to get the 20 bonus points.

The conclusion of the tournament and the event worth the most amount of points is the skins portion. Up to 260 points can be claimed in this event, meaning that neither team can clinch the Churchill Cup until the skins games are played. There are 10 games in total.

Team Skins (72 points)
Six 6-end skins games will be played, each worth 12 points. One game per player.

Grand Finale (188 points)
Players for the Grand Finale are nominated by the Captains immediately before the final four games - two from each team.  These players MUST be two of the six players nominated at the start of the tournament. Each player plays one 8-end skins game (20 points per game; 40 in total). Each player then plays one 10-end skins game against the opponent they didn't play in the 8-end skins (30 points per game; 60 in total).

88 bonus points will be awarded to the team with the higher total skins points aggregated over the ten skins games. Should the overall skins points be equal, 44 bonus points will be awarded to each team. All skins games are played to their conclusion, even if the Churchill Cup has been clinched by one side partway through, or before all matches have been played. 

The scoring is almost exactly the same as in the Continental Cup on Ice. Team Poland - did Wegma explain all this to you when he appointed himself Captain and you agreed to play? If not, let me apologise on his behalf. (I would try and translate it myself - but the result would be entertaining!)

Good Luck with whatever you decide to do in the future.
No extra points were awarded to Talent. He got 6 for winning - the same as everybody else.

Kind Regards,


So all 8-ends of the Team Singles are played, to allow both teams the chance to get the 20 bonus points.

It isn't anywhere in the rules on your site, and is it really so obvious? I agree with wegma that your decison was unfair.

At the moment we are out of this competition, so no need to translate it into polish.
He gave 2 points in last end for nothing, but ALESSIO doesn't gave points in match with Eve Muirhead when he concended match. 

I awarded 2 STONES to Talent1, and he got the standard 6 POINTS for the win - as did Hokej for his win over Osmark. ALESSIO got the standard 4 POINTS for his 6-end win over Eve, as did Osmark for his 6-end win over Chris. It isn't Rocket Science!
Since you appear to have already thrown your rattle out the pram, unless I hear otherwise I will assume that Team Poland has conceded the match. What a shame.

Very Best Wishes,

You gave 2 points in results for Talent (for nothing). In this match (8 ends single) balance is very important. You are poor organizer, thank you for tourney.
Muddy, this whole argument is about the 2 stones you awarded to Talent1. Can you please show me in the rules, the part that allows you to do it? As I wrote before, I read all rules on your site, and it isn't written anywhere that all 8 ends must be played.

When wegma or Hokej write about points, they refer to the score of the single match (number of stones). I think it is obvious...
Hi Chris,
You are correct - the whole thing is an argument about virtually nothing, some misunderstandings about the way the 400 points are awarded, and the inability of Team Poland to respect decisions which are made in the interests of both teams.

You are also correct - all 8-ends do not need to be played; but since there are bonus points for overall (cumulative) stone count in the 8-end games, Talent1 (having Hammer) not unreasonably expected to play the 8th end. When he wasn't able to do so he asked that a stone count of 8 be added to his score - 16-5 instead of 8-5. I considered this unreasonable and excessive, and awarded 2 instead of 8. 10-5 instead of 8-5 as requested by ksiezniczkwegmy - not 16-5 as requested by Talent1.
Either way it makes no difference whatsoever! Talent1 got 6 points for the win, and the overall (cumulative) stone count for the 8-end matches is currently 72:49 in favour of Team Poland. With 3 matches remaining, RoE would have to play exceptionally well, or Team Poland exceptionally badly, for the destination of the 20 bonus points to change! Even if they don't turn up, Team Poland will still get them lol.

Somebody has to make decisions to sort out these kind of petty squabbles. At the moment I feel a bit like a playground supervisor in Kindergarten. Para 7 of the Rules at 
"MuddyD" will have the final say on any disputes that may arise.
Para 8 states: There are no prizes - its all for fun!

Team Europe appear to be keen to play on. It is just a shame that Team Poland appear to have decided not to. Don't worry, though. I am very close to losing interest completely. I very much doubt if the Court for Arbitration in Sport will be interested either!

Best Wishes,


Thanks for the reply Muddy.

Just wanted to add one thing. Para 3 of the Rules at 
All games are a pre-set number of ends, as advised by the tournament organiser; an extra end may be required. If both teams agree, 
the game can end earlier
. Skins games are played to a conclusion.

Because ksiezniczkawegmy's opponent gave up in her 6 end game she had right to thing that she can do the same in her 8 end game, and thats all.

I can only say that I'm very sorry it ended this way. I enjoyed playing in this match althought I turned out to be the worst player in my team.

Thanks Chris - we are agreed.
This is real rich coming from a Polish team who like to talk in chat to distract the opposing team? Who are you to talk to us about sportsmanship when you have people like ALESSIO, who trash talks the opposition while his teammates are playing and people like Wegma, who after they win a match, leave without saying a word to their opponent. 

I don't think the Polish quite understand the concept of shots don't matter in 6 enders. Muddy was being very impartial when he awarded 2 stones to Talent, as really, he should have given 8. You guys want to go off crying and refusing to play then it really shows who the better sportsmen AND better players are. Thanks for the walkover Poland. Better luck next time, if you aren't so up your own arses you won't play us.
Thanks for the match, we are better. Good luck in World Champiosnhips, where you doesn't go to the next round. 
Thank you for proving my point Wegma, you lead the team by example. An example of arrogance and how not to be a good sportsman. At least I have the decency to wish my opponent luck and say well done after the match. 
The Churchill Cup ended after the Team Singles with a narrow 71:69 win for Rest of Europe. The total/cumulative stone count in the 8-end team singles was 73:67, so the 2 stones awarded to Talent1 made no difference whatsoever to the outcome.

This Cup ended when Poland out.