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Tournament Ratings 
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Tournament Ratings 
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Tournament Ratings 
It was my impression that Tournament rating were set out on the basis of the players stats ...how can it be fair when I a mere 47 points in 8 ball is put as an opponent against players with 400 and 500 points this can't possibly be fair for any player with stats as low as mine and how can we possibly get a good game from it or for that matter have time to even enjoy the game I played a game where it took all of under one min to complete as I was no match whatsoever for the player  KIng Lovai at all or any match for pretty eyes come on lets have some fair rules so we can all enjoy the game/tournaments.....please respond with some views on this subject as I am sure I am not the only person that feels this way 
I feel the same way as you as regarding to the fact neither of us will ever win a tournament due to the pro players seeming unbeatable at the best of times. However tournaments obviously have to be run on a concept that the best players will win. Best plan is to try learn from these players thats all i do.

If for whatever reason they thought about running a lower level tourny, which im sure they won't, people could just use a lower level account to win etc.
Pairings do not take into consideration your overall rating, only your current tournament rating.
Therefore you might face a much more skilled player during the first rounds.
As the tournament progresses, you will be more likely to face similar skilled opponents, who have similar tournament rating.
What is the problem? keep practising and you will be top player too someday.
I dont believe in ratings at all, its who is on form on the day/night.Plus who has that little bit more luck.