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+1 Feature requested(bullet). Feed backs on this please.
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+1 Feature requested(bullet). Feed backs on this please.
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+1 Feature requested(bullet). Feed backs on this please.
Hi, Understanding that bullet is meant to go fast. I've been playing lots of games in bullet, realizing that there're many games where u have to clear so many pieces in less time, while your opponent just move around freely going on to win with time.. I've seen this many times, and sometimes its a bit harassing. So am asking if FOD would look into a +1 feature for the timer in bullet please. thank you.
P.S Feed backs on this would be great thnx
Time is the game it's just a bit of fun that's y it's called bullet room we all have 50/50 of wining all my games r lucky lol
One problem is that your idea is supporting program users for bullet. Program users would have more time to surely beat many good players. There are't no perfect system to decide who should win. The only thing to do is to play by the system's rules. If players win you because of time, this is your own fault at being slow thinking (in most cases). Another idea from me is to use 3 seconds per move system. This is quite fair. Good thing are: It's quite impossible for program users to have time for the whole game to keep up fast pace. Also, you will definitely finish your game in bullet. Bad things are: A surprise 3 moves jump or more within 3 sec could make you lose the game. Another is at a critical move deciding win or lose, no time to think in 3 sec. Personally, I like this 3 sec per move system more than what we have now. Let the bullet goes with veteran players and normal rooms can be used for players into more thinking type or new style moves.