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This is the end 
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This is the end 
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This is the end 
hello guyssss !!!

well how many nows tanx is dead since years a go , and i m done whit this game , this was really nice met some good peolpe like acido ( u always gotta be the number one on my hearth LOL), sam ( u always gona be a really good friend bro ), nitro a quiet guy but always whit some goods words a nice guy too, eli ....lool u are always funny bro , anakhaaa yooo bro u are a great dude too , wolfy i dont see u in a really long time bro but u was always cool , n many other who i dont remem now ....well i dont wana cry xD but u all were always greats persons, theere always were nice duels n clans wars but guys we need move out of this game till some update come , but its imposible.

u all wlll be in my heart guys :p xDDDDD

have  a really good life n improve everyday in everyhitng u wana do ... blesss

( i dont handle very good the english but i try my best )

When you told me on fb you were retired i was hoping you were kidding.

I Guess not.
Its a shame considering your one of few that was actually good the past few years this game was going.

I know we argued for a long time , i'm a very indecisive player as you know , i struggle to make up my mind half the time when it comes to making important choices..

But besides all the arguing i really enjoyed fighting you over the years , you helped me improve by giving me such hard games , & for that i thank you.

But nowadays there isn't anything worth fighting for so i don't blame you for leaving.

I'm not one to hold a grudge especially on a game , so best of luck in your life & future endeavors.

Adios my old nemesis.:p

i feel like i just read something from a morse code that i had to code break in order to understand all this LOL. This is like breaking the da vinci code and trying to make a sense of it :). Just my advised, never use google translator it makes the words come out like your speaking like TIMMY from south park. Btw, it was nice meeting you too, Zeus. I wish you gl on w.e you doing in your life or might do. 
I see no need for you to make fun of his english max , hes leaving the game , show some respect for once instead of being out to get everyone.
See ya around Zeusy! Take care until next time :x

Also thanks for placing my name before sams as it should always be :p

