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Load Error
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Load Error
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Load Error
Recently few days back all of a sudden I started to get an error saying 'Java is not up to date on your computer' so I updated Java to most recent version.

But now, everything is fine until I login - then I get game loading and in few seconds 'Load Error'.

I am not able to play any of the game in FOD. Please help.

Everything is fine,sometimes happens.

I got few too and no needed to clear files java,next day"load error" gone. :)

Have a good day.
Im having the same problem have updated Java as well still no play :(
I am having the same problem getting load error and game stops please help
I did clear java cache, what else could I try. I still get load error
I have a new laptop and im using Windows 8. The first 2 weeks everything worked fine but since 1 week it tells me the error with java. i did what the others sad: cleared java and so on but it still doesnt work...Im here since 2005 and believe me, it is sad not to be able to play :(. Give me other suggestions pls :).