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Try Some Quizzes
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Four in a Row
Try Some Quizzes
Posted in 
Four in a Row
Try Some Quizzes
Take a break from progging and pointbanking and relax with some fun c4 quizzes. Here are some with varying difficulties. I have harder ones but you will have to find me in game to get them. Good luck!




although its been years since the last message here, I want to thank you for making these. its great having something to help quantify my skill because, even though I am by no means good (only getting 12/21 on the easiest quiz there), the majority of my games are against players at too low a level to properly understand what I need work on. if you ever thought this was dead, know there are people like me still being helped by what you took time to create. 

although c4 is by no means in the state it seems to have been years ago, maybe one day with the influence of streamers in the gaming circles, this game (or at least some c4 site) will have a little rebirth. its help from people like you, and Fouracle a little while ago, who help me keep going into this game and finding the best parts of the community
There might have been one or two I might have made a typo by accident, I'll check in a moment. But yeah the diagram should clearly show who's move it is so just go with that. is. All the questions have only one answer and I have double checked that there are no mistakes in the solutions.

Glad you liked the quizzes. :)
Hmm i just did a few of the expert ones, so dont really remember. But there were one .. nr 5, 6 or 7 i think, where it says "reds move", and it looked like red had played the last move already..?

Anyway, ill look more into them later. The ones i did, was fun :)
You and your quizzes...you always know how to make me feel bad hehe...   :-) Very nice
How is that? Every one of them are correct. Check it if you like.
Funny :)

Some of them are not that accurate, but good initiative and i enjoyed them.