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Four in a Row
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Four in a Row
red always wins how is that possible?
Are you calling Marco_Polo a programmer?

I have just been playing for points with this account recently.  It is possible to have a lot of points and not be a programmer.  It is possible to have a lot of points and be breakable too.  I am breakable, although it is rare.

There are many players that are better than me that also have over 500 points and do not program.  

As your a 531 rating in-game I'm guessing from this post that your obviously a program user & have no actual clue as to how the 7x6 basic C4 game works, or the logic to winning. So with that being said, I see no more reason to waste my time explaining the game to you.
vman88 is also I am Cornholio, I am Santa Claus, smithygirlxx, Wild Kingdom, I am Tavares, and other nicknames.

They all lose to vman88, and then vman88 loses to Mobile1.  They are all the same.  The winner only makes 4 moves, or less if the other playe forfeits.

This is even more blatant cheating than Jeepee, who is the same as Come on Eileen and other nicknames.