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Elyas M'Barek
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Dear Moderators
Elyas M'Barek
Posted in 
Dear Moderators
Elyas M'Barek
this guy always accuse and insult me, he always tell me to move on and I try, he keep bothering me and challenge me, I always have to mute him, I'm so sick of this player,   

What do  u think FTW STRENGTH who u are? Do u know him? No one likes he so he makes only nurse with everey one so pls mind ur own busniuss ty
I've seen those, but Alexander was my example how you treat players
You as a player have absolutely no right to tell another player to shut up.

Rules are there for a reason as are the "Report Abuse" feature in player information pages and the "Contact" page of flyordie's website. Use them properly and avoid making things worse by telling people what to do.
For the Thema Alexander look at this screenshot he loan his nick to his friend gonzalo to play the chekcers trny he say im not alexander im gonzalo 
 thats why we do this with alexander
Please tell me who I harass in C4? whenever I log into C4 you private message and calling me Dog, I tried to leave you alone and you always start the conversation like you just did to Alexander
No, Nunavut is not perm ban, you think your Mr.Knows it all? I didn't harass oewan, I only said that he has asked me for help in darts tournament and that he is the reason why I don't subscribe anymore cause helping in tournament is not allowed! 
i also forgett Charlie and u harrasing all Players in Four in a Row
are u siroius? What was yesterday u bothering oewan and lucas and me and i say to u  shut up u are really strange and remember Nunavut is perm. Banned u are on Evisiaon ;)