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Shake Hands / Resign Feature
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Shake Hands / Resign Feature
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Shake Hands / Resign Feature
Can there be a 'resign' feature added to curling?  Other games on flyordie.com have this - such as backgammon.

I feel that just exiting to the lobby feels unsportsmanlike - even when that's not the intention.

As well - a player might just have a bad end and want to immediately challenge a rematch to the same player.
A Resign button would allow the players to arrange a rematch without going to the lobby and further to exchange comments.

It is standard in many other FOD games, and seems hard to find arguments for not having it. 
Rake , I would of just hit the like button for your comment but their isn't one so , Thumbs up Rake.  
So what you do is: Type, "gg" then press X. Then you don't look like a bad sport. 

So yes. Do ignore this stupid request.
FoD ignore this and many other good suggestions :-|

This good idea have been suggested many times over the past years, but FOD seems just to ignore this request.