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Hello All
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Hello All
Hey everyone,

I've felt a bit nostalgic and decided to see how Tanx is getting on. 

It's incredibly sad to see Tanx being empty now, I remember back in the olden days where Room 1 and Room 2 would be full and there would be weekly tournament full of talented and seriously amazing Tanx players.

I literally sat in the Lobby in Room 1 for a few minutes remembering all the times I've had in this room - from joining U.p.R clan to playing in COPA tournament to having some laugh with amazing old friends. I did feel really sad to see the room being empty. I decided to have a little play around, practising my grenades and shooting mines and my god - I'm rusty.

It would be great to see if anyone would reply to this - and maybe arrange a date to have a battle? 

I will keep an eye on this in the next few days. If any of you guys have Stream - please add me inappropriatewindmill

Kindest regard,

She's even heard my legitimate voice too. Seems you're a little far behind? :$
so u gave ur whatsapp # to Jeff but not me...this surreal Tina...but then again i always knew u had a fetish for gingers. The least u can do to is add me on skype and get and name ur baby Max Von Uttenberg the 5th to the 7th power...as an apology jk 
Elf0 aka Big Ears good to see you alive & kicking again old friend. Was fun playing with you again after such a long time just too bad Sam isn't around, would have been an interesting ''Brit'' Reunion lol. Whenever you wanna go again just hit me up on steam bud.

Max are you still invading a certainly elderly women's purse to spend on WoT? :$ Not too convinced about the whole father thing, you telling porkies? :$

Hello Tina, nice to see you again. I recall you telling me a while ago about what was in your future and i'm happy for you. I'm sure you're a wonderful parent :). I lost your # a while back when i changed phones so unfortunately i don't have you on WhatsApp anymore. Regardless, hope you're doing well, Same to Nill, hope you're doing good guys. 

I honestly miss all the hilarity that ensued in Tanx over the years, it was truly an enjoyable experience just wish it hadn't come to an end already.

Anyway..i'm still popping in here and there randomly just to see if i can catch any of my old friends/rivals on here online, not to cause drama..who me? I would never do such a thing..LOL. Just to have a chat for old times sake. Either way, it's nice to see all of you are doing well i hope to see you again sometime, best of luck you oldies :$
wow a baby! congrats! Tina, im a changed man now...im not the A...hole i used to be. I use to think you were a guy :| but when i saw ur pics ur really cute! i would adopt 300 african kids just so they can mine diamonds for u...anyway do u have skype? im there more often than here....unless little Maxy is being a pain with me....his 4 yrs old now. He already learning how to play WoT....His gonna be a pro gamer like his dad :)
I have no time for any games atm! Im busy beeing a mom with a 3 months old son :) maybe when hes older i have time again! Wish u also the best and hope everyone is doing fine 
LOL Tina, i wish you nothing but the best at w/e ur doing with ur life :)...are u currently playing any games? ;\ and Nill, i hope you doing great with University...idk why u block me on skype...lol. I guess it was 1 of ur "Schizophrenia" episodes *dont listen to the voices in ur head they are not real*:| ....now add me we have plenty of talk to do...don't forget about our little trip to Aokigahara forest :$ Sara gave us discount use promo code "Vegan life"
Where was my invite to the wedding Max ? :$
Well... good thing it wasnt me maxypad :) and btw hello to everyone ! Its been soooo long... 
Hi Blood aka UAG Best - it's good to see you around!

Max - we've all grown up and have our own jobs! I do remember being annoying and immature back in the olden days but I was very young, what can you do? 

I'm glad to hear you're all settled and have children, hope they are behaving well?! :)
hey Elfo...is me Max...obviously  im not playing this game anymore but i do come to check the forums but rarely..i also got sad when i saw how empty room 1 is...legend saya u can still hear the echoes of all those battles and the laughs at midnight. Pretty awesome days but im grown now...have kids and married....n no unfortunately it wasn't Tina. Anyway nice to see you.