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odd "ice conditions"
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odd "ice conditions"
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odd "ice conditions"
I don't know about anyone else, but this sounds kind of stupid. I don't know if ice conditions actually change in the game, but I've seen some very odd ones. Sometimes I take, what in reality, would be like a half foot of ice for a full-peel takeout. But to my surprise it even overcurls past the intended target almost by another half foot. A full speed hit curling almost what would be a foot is ridiculous. Anybody else experiencing this?
This is inaccuracy built into the game perhaps to makle it more life like. A full weight throw can move 1/2 a rock inside or outside of the broom. 
When you place the broom on or very near to the center line, you must look at the rock you are throwing to make sure you are throwing the turn you want. As a test, move the broom back and fourth over the center line and watch how it affects what turn you are throwing. It's not the inconsistency of the game, you just need to learn how it works. Hope this helps.
Sometimes,  especially down the middle ,at any speed, a rock will go the opposite direction, or overcurl ,ruining what should of been an easy shot. I would rather win or lose  by tactics,
This is quite normal when using "a full speed hit". You tend to have less control of hitting your target when you max yourself out. Your  accuracy of hitting the broom goes down, as it does in real curling on ice.