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Bailing out whilst ahead
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Bailing out whilst ahead
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Bailing out whilst ahead
How come EVERY player ive played bails out while they are ahead, without finishing the game

I'm new and playing my first games today....got a bit lucky on takeouts and of the 3 games i've played the opposing player was down the first 2  times 0-3 to me after 1 and bailed. the 3rd player didn't even let the end finish. is this curling or what? don't get it.

Oh I looked at the WCF 'chief umpire reference manual 4.0' and it doesn't have it
Maybe they don't do it because the players respect the other team? Idk
I thought it cheating since only the losing team can end the game and surrender.
Is it because the number of ends weren't selected? Even then I didn't subscribe so I couldn't do it
The only reason that I could think of was they wanted to secure their points(or they thought the gap was too big but it was 3-2 or 2-0 so it doesn't seem like it)
I(and I think many others) just wanted to play a good game, or at least a game without anyone leaving untill it's over. I thought we would be able to report that
As Daniel said” Report them for what” .
Yes it’s bad sportsmanship  & annoying but not a reason to be reported.
And also report them by clicking on player info!
And also report them by clicking on player info!
Probably a lot of new players here. Play people who have a few dots, accumulate enough dots to set the number of ends. If someone bolts, don't play them again. It gets better when you develop a network of people - lots of good folk on here as well
Way too many 1 and done, get very irritating